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PPP Wellness #1 Blood Test Panel

The PPP Wellness #1 Blood Test Panel includes Lipid Panel, CMP-14, Hemoglobin A1C, Homocysteine, CRP, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Vitamin D-25, Testosterone total, Estradiol, and Insulin Fasting.

PPP Wellness #2 Blood Test Panel

The PPP Wellness #2 Blood Test Panel includes a Lipid Panel, CMP-14, Hemoglobin A1C, Homocysteine, CRP, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Vitamin D-25, Testosterone total, Estradiol, Fasting Insulin, plus The NMR LipoProfile.

PPP Wellness #3 Blood Test Panel

The PPP Wellness #3 Blood Test Panel includes Lipid Panel, CMP-14, Hemoglobin A1C, Homocysteine, CRP, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Vitamin D-25, Testosterone total, Estradiol, Insulin Fasting, NMR LipoProfile, DHEA Sulfate, and IGF-1.

NHF Wellness Blood Test Panel

A NHF Wellness Blood Test Panel includes Wellness #2 Essential Panel (CBC, CMP-14, Glucose, Uric Acid, Lipid Profile, Thyroid + TSH, Fluid and Electrolytes, Mineral and Bone, Liver and Kidney Panels) plus insulin and Hemoglobin A1c.

Peak Performance Challenge Blood Test Panel

A Peak Performance Challenge Blood Test Panel includes Lipid Profile, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14) and Hemoglobin A1c.

VLDL Cholesterol Blood Test

This VLDL Cholesterol Blood Test helps assess your risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

LetsGetChecked - Cholesterol Blood Spot Test Kit

The LetsGetChecked - Cholesterol Blood Spot Test Kit is a tool used to measure cholesterol levels and evaluate an individual's risk of developing high cholesterol. Get 25% off today with our exclusive discount code WALKINLAB.

NMR LipoProfile Blood Test

The NMR LipoProfile test provides a more accurate picture of cardiovascular (CVD) risk than the standard lipid panel and is the only test that will report LDL particle number and size.

Cardio IQ® Lipid Panel Blood Test

The Cardio IQ® Lipid Panel Blood Test measures the levels of various lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, in a person's blood to assess their risk for cardiovascular disease.

NMR LipoProfile® With Insulin Resistance Markers (W...

The NMR LipoProfile with Insulin Resistance Markers with Graph gives a more complete picture of your heart health. You'll get a standard cholesterol result and a direct measure of your LDL particle number (LDL-P).

Oxidized LDL - Doctor's Data Test Kit

The Oxidized LDL-Doctor's Data Test Kit checks for oxidized "bad" cholesterol in the blood, which can lead to heart disease. This test helps doctors find out if someone is at a higher risk of heart problems so they can start treatments early and manage heart health better. Note: This is a pre-paid shipping test kit that will be mailed and it requires a blood draw. Please Click Here to locate a lab for specimen collection.

Blalack Blood Test Panel

A Blalack Blood Test Panel includes a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel with eGFR (CMP-20), Lipid Profile (cholesterol), Fluid & Electrolytes, Uric Acid, Sodium, Calcium, Ferritin, Iron and Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC), and Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential and Platelets.

Blalack Blood Test Panel plus Carbon Dioxide

A Blalack Blood Test Panel plus Carbon Dioxide includes Comprehensive Metabolic Panel with eGFR (CMP-20), Lipid Profile (cholesterol), Fluid & Electrolytes, Uric Acid, Sodium, Calcium, Ferritin, Iron and Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC), Carbon Dioxide, and Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential and Platelets.

Blalack Blood Test Panel plus Carbon Dioxide and TSH

A Blalack Blood Test Panel plus Carbon Dioxide and TSH includes Comprehensive Metabolic Panel with eGFR (CMP-20), Lipid Profile (cholesterol), Fluid & Electrolytes, Uric Acid, Sodium, Calcium, Ferritin, Iron and Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC), Carbon Dioxide, Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH), and Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential and Platelets.

Lipid Blood Test Panel Plus Hemoglobin A1C and Gluco...

The Lipid Blood Test Panel Plus Hemoglobin A1C and Glucose assesses cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk by measuring cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Oxidized Low-density Lipoprotein Blood Test

An oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) test is used to measure your LDL, or "bad cholesterol," levels that have been modified by oxidation. This test can be used as part of a routine assessment of your risk for heart disease and other additional tests.

Lipoprotein Fractionation Blood Test, NMR

A lipoprotein fractionation test is used to measure your LDL, or “bad cholesterol,” levels.

GI Effects Fundamentals Profile - Genova Test Kit

The GI Effects Fundamentals Profile - Genova Test Kit provides a foundational evaluation of the overall health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including aspects such as digestion and absorption, inflammation and immune response, gut microbial byproducts, and the potential presence of harmful bacteria or organisms.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Serum Test

The Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Serum Test measures blood levels to help diagnose GH deficiency or excess, evaluate pituitary function, and monitor treatment efficacy.

Dr. Lawenda's Cardiac Risk Panel #1

Dr. Lawenda's Cardiac Risk Panel #1 includes the Lipid Panel, Apolipoprotein B, and Homocysteine. 

Cardio IQ® Advanced Lipid Panel Blood Test

The Cardio IQ® Advanced Lipid Panel is a specialized blood test designed to assess cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and monitor treatment.

Dr. Lawenda's Cardiac Risk Panel #2

Dr. Lawenda's Cardiac Risk Panel #2 includes the Lipid Panel, Apolipoprotein B, Homocysteine, and Lipoprotein (A). 

Cardio IQ® Lipoprotein Fractionation, Ion Mobility ...

The Cardio IQ® Lipoprotein Fractionation, Ion Mobility Blood Test measures the different types of lipoproteins in the blood and assesses the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Cardio IQ® Lipoprotein (a) Blood Test

The Cardio IQ® Lipoprotein (a) Blood Test is used to measure the level of Lipoprotein (a) in the blood, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

ASH FibroSure Blood Test

The ASH FibroSURE Blood Test is a noninvasive blood test that evaluates liver function in those suspected of alcoholic liver disease.

Gastrointestinal (GI) Effects Comprehensive Stool Pr...

The Gastrointestinal (GI) Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile 3 Day - Genova Test Kit analyzes stool (poop) samples collected over three days to help doctors understand and treat digestive problems by checking digestion, bacteria balance (good and bad germs), and signs of infection or inflammation (swelling and irritation).

Insulin Fasting Blood Test

The Insulin Fasting Blood Test measures how much insulin is in your blood after not eating, helping doctors check for problems like diabetes and insulin resistance.

Protein Electrophoresis Urine Test, 24-Hour

The Protein Electrophoresis Urine Test, 24-Hour, measures the types of protein in a urine sample collected over 24 hours.

The NMR LipoProfile #2 Essential Blood Test Panel

The NMR LipoProfile #2 Essential Blood Test Panel includes Homocyst(e)ine, C-Reactive Protein Cardiac helps assess the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Basic Stress Mastery Blood Test Panel

The Basic Stress Mastery Blood Test Panel includes a CMP-14, CBC, Lipid Panel, Thyroid Panel with TSH, Free Tri-iodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4) Free Direct, A1c, AM Cortisol, and Fasting Insulin.

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