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Join Our Affiliate Program

Walk-In Lab has an affiliate progarm that allows members to earn commisions by generating sales for the company through their online customers. The program is free to join and easy to sign up for, with no technical knowledge required. The program is run through Share-A-Sale, and affiliates receive a commission payment for every sale they generate. Interested parties can visit Share-A-Sale to sign up and receive a custom link to start earning commissions.


How Does It Work?

Share-A-Sale offers a selection of banners and textual links for users to place on their website. When a user clicks on one of these links, they will be directed to the Share-A-Sale website and their activity will be tracked through the affiliate software. If a purchase is made as a result of the traffic generated by the user, they will receive a commission.


Want More Information?

Please call Share-A-Sale at (312) 321-0487 or email [email protected].

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