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Diabetes Tests

Thank you for shopping our Diabetes Tests. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now estimate that almost 26 million people in the U.S have diabetes. Walk-In Lab offers cheap, online diabetes blood tests that determine your risk for the disease quickly, and easily. Lab work such as the fasting plasma glucose tests or the casual plasma glucose tests are available to help determine blood sugar levels, risk for diabetes and the need to treat this condition. Symptoms of severe thirst, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, increased hunger, and or tingling of your hands are feet are all signs of diabetes. However, the disease may present no warning signs and the best way to test for this condition is to order a diabetes blood test. Nearly one third of those afflicted with diabetes have no idea that they have the disease in the first place. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the US, with more than a quarter of a million deaths attributed to the disease each year. At Walk-In Lab, we offer blood tests for diabetes that can help shed light on the indicators of this often-controllable disease and answer the question, "Do I have diabetes?" Choose from a simple C-Peptide Serum test that can help gauge the effectiveness of the Pancreas at secreting insulin. Or, select an essential blood and urine test for diabetes that includes a complete blood count (CBC), a complete metabolic panel (CMP), and other vital tests. These comprehensive health screens can often uncover other, non-related issues that can help you achieve greater clarity regarding your health.

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Hemoglobin (Hb) A1c Blood Test

The A1c Test calculates the average blood glucose levels over 2-3 months, making it an ideal diagnostic tool for diabetes management.

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Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14) with eGFR Blo...

The Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14) with EGFR Blood Test is commonly used to evaluate nutrient levels, liver, and kidney function. 

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Insulin Fasting Blood Test

The Insulin Fasting Blood Test measures how much insulin is in your blood after not eating, helping doctors check for problems like diabetes and insulin resistance.

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Lipid Blood Test Panel Plus Hemoglobin (Hb) A1C

The Lipid Panel Blood Test Plus Hemoglobin A1c screens for cardiovascular disease in individuals with diabetes.

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Hemoglobin (Hb) A1c With eAG Blood Test

Test to evaluate average amount of glucose in your blood.

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Glucose Serum Test

The Glucose Serum Test checks how much sugar is in your blood to see if your body is handling it well, which can help doctors find or manage conditions like diabetes or low blood sugar.

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C-Peptide Serum Test

The C-Peptide Serum Test helps determines how much insulin the pancreas is producing.

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Lipid Blood Test Panel Plus Hemoglobin A1C and Gluco...

The Lipid Blood Test Panel Plus Hemoglobin A1C and Glucose assesses cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk by measuring cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

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Diabetes #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel

The Diabetes #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel measures various markers in your blood to assess your risk of developing or monitoring your diabetes.

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Cardio IQ® Hemoglobin A1c Blood Test

The Cardio IQ® Hemoglobin A1C Blood Test evaluates the average amount of glucose in the blood over an extended period to help manage blood sugar levels.

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Glucose Plasma Test

The Glucose Plasma Test measures blood sugar levels to help diagnose and monitor diabetes.

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Diabetes and Vitamin D Blood Test Panel

The Diabetes and Vitamin D Blood Test Panel checks blood sugar control and vitamin D levels to help detect diabetes, monitor metabolic health, and assess bone and immune function, making it useful for individuals at risk for diabetes, vitamin D deficiency, or related health conditions.

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Diabetes #2 Essential Blood and Urine Test Panel

A Diabetes #2 Essential Blood and Urine Test Panel includes a Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP-14) with Glucose, Complete Blood Count (CBC)'s, Hemoglobin A1C plus Insulin, Urinalysis, Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio Urine, and C-Peptide.

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Insulin Response Blood Test, 3 Specimens

The Insulin Response Blood Test, 3-Specimens, measures insulin levels in response to glucose to help screen for hypoglycemia and suspected insulin resistance.

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Glucose Tolerance (GTT) Blood Test, 2-Hour (Oral WHO...

The Glucose Tolerance (GTT) Blood Test, 2-Hour (Oral WHO Protocol), checks how your body handles sugar over two hours by measuring blood sugar after drinking a sugary drink, helping doctors find or manage diabetes, prediabetes, or gestational diabetes.

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Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) Autoantibody Blood...

The Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) Autoantibody Blood Test detects autoantibodies that target insulin-producing pancreatic cells to help confirm the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and evaluate the need for insulin treatment.

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Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Blood Test, 3-Hour, 4 S...

The Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Blood Test, 3-Hour, 4 Specimens, checks how your body handles sugar over three hours by taking four blood samples to help doctors find or manage diabetes, prediabetes, or gestational diabetes.

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Insulin Free and Total Blood Test

The Insulin Free and Total Blood Test measures the free and total insulin levels in the blood to diagnose and monitor diabetes.

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Fructosamine Blood Test

The Fructosamine Blood Test measures fructosamine levels in the blood to determine the average glucose levels over the past two to three weeks. This test helps to understand how effectively diabetes is being managed.

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Cardio IQ® Insulin Resistance Panel with Score Bloo...

The Cardio IQ insulin resistance (IR) test gives you information to change or avoid becoming diabetic or prediabetic.

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Glucose Blood Test, Two-hour Postprandial

The Glucose Blood Test, Two-hour Postprandial, checks your blood sugar two hours after eating to see if your body is properly managing sugar, helping doctors find or manage diabetes and prediabetes.

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Gestational Diabetes Blood Test

A Gestational Diabetes Blood Test is used to identify gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

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Glucagon Blood Test

The Glucagon Blood Test checks the level of the hormone glucagon in your blood to help doctors find out if your body is making too much or too little, which can affect blood sugar levels and point to conditions like tumors or metabolic disorders.

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Cardio IQ® Insulin Blood Test

The Cardio IQ® Insulin Blood Test measures insulin levels to help screen for hyperinsulinemia.

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Adiponectin Blood Test

The Adiponectin Blood Test measures a hormone that helps control blood sugar and fat, and low levels can signal a higher risk for conditions like diabetes, obesity, or heart disease, helping doctors guide treatment.

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Glucose Tolerance (GTT) Blood Test, 2-Hour, 3 Specim...

The glucose tolerance 2-hour blood test is used to assess an individual's glucose tolerance.

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Cardio IQ® Glucose Blood Test

The Cardio IQ® Glucose Blood Test measures the glucose levels in the blood and assesses the risk of developing diabetes or other related health conditions.

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Insulin Autoantibodies (IAA) (Endocrine Sciences)

The Insulin Autoantibodies (IAA) Test helps assess if an individual has an increased risk of developing autoimmune type 1 diabetes.

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GlycoMark Blood Test

The GlycoMark Blood Test checks for spikes in blood sugar over the past one to two weeks, helping doctors see how well your body is controlling sugar after meals and adjust your treatment for better diabetes management.

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Copeptin Plasma Test

The Copeptin Plasma Test measures copeptin levels to help doctors understand water balance, stress, and hormone issues, and is useful for people with excessive thirst, frequent urination, low sodium, or suspected heart and stress-related problems.

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ANA Screen, IFA, with Reflex to Titer and Pattern Blood Test
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