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Digestive System Tests - Liver

Your liver is a hard working organ that is a crucial part of your overall wellness. It processes nutrients from food, builds proteins, secretes bile needed to absorb dietary fats, helps maintain blood glucose levels, and serves as the filter for all of the toxins that enter your body. Liver disease can interrupt these important functions. Walk-In Lab offers tests and panels to identify liver status, hepatic function, and disease. Order an online test today to confirm that your liver is working hard for your personal health. Thank you for browsing our selection of Liver blood tests and panels. Shop additional Digestive System Tests confidentially and order online without insurance or a doctor's note.

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Hepatic Function (Liver) Panel Blood Test

The Hepatic Function Panel Blood Test helps assess the overall health of the liver by measuring the different enzymes, proteins, and other substances made by the liver.

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Liver Profile #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel

The Liver Profile #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel helps evaluate the liver's overall health and identify potential liver damage or disease.

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Anemia #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel

The Anemia #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel measures biomarkers in a blood sample to help screen for an iron deficiency and other causes of anemia.

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Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Blood Test, Quantitativ...

The Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Blood Test is used to screen for the Hepatitis B virus by detecting and measuring HBsAB antibodies in a blood sample.

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Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Blood Test

The Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Blood Test checks for high levels of GGT, an enzyme in your liver, to help find liver damage, bile duct problems, or other health issues.

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Hepatitis C Antibody Blood Test

The Hepatitis C Antibody Blood Test helps detect and diagnose acute liver infection and inflammation due to the Hepatitis C virus (HCV).

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Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Blood Test

The Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Blood Test detects HBV surface antigens in a blood sample to screen for acute and chronic HBV infections.

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Transferrin Blood Test

The Transferrin Blood Test is used to screen for iron deficiency or excess and diagnose anemia by measuring transferrin levels in the blood.

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Liver Profile #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel

The Liver Profile #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel consists of 9 comprehensive blood tests that evaluate the overall health of the liver.

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Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Blood Test, Qualitative

The Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Blood Test, Qualitative detects HBsAB antibodies in a blood sample to screen for the Hepatitis B virus.

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Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Blood Test

The Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT) Blood Test is used to screen for a deficiency of the AAT protein by measuring AAT levels in the blood.

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Hepatitis A Antibody Blood Test, Total

The Hepatitis A Antibody Blood Test, Total, detects both IgM and IgG antibodies to help diagnose hepatitis A and assess whether an individual has immunity to this disease. 

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Liver-Kidney Microsomal (LKM) Antibodies Serum Test

The Liver-Kidney Microsomal (LKM) Antibodies Serum Test detects LKM antibodies in the blood to screen for autoimmune hepatitis.

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Hepatitis B Core Antibody Blood Test, IgM

The Hepatitis B Core Antibody Total Blood Test, IgM, detects IgM anti-HBc antibodies to screen for an acute HBV infection.

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Blood Test, Quantitative, Re...

The Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Blood Test, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR, detects and measures HCV RNA levels in the blood to monitor treatment response.

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Hepatitis Be Antigen Blood Test

The Hepatitis Be Antigen Blood Test detects HBeAg in the blood to monitor the infection status, infectivity, and treatment of chronic hepatitis B patients.

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Indican Urine Test

The Indican Urine test measures the indican levels in urine samples to help screen for potential digestive disorders.

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Hepatitis Be Antibody Blood Test

The hepatitis Be antibody blood test is a differential diagnosis, staging, and prognosis of hepatitis B infection.

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Hepatitis B Core Antibody Differentiation Blood Test...

The Hepatitis B Core Antibody Differentiation Blood Test measures IgG and IgM antibody levels to assess Hepatitis B virus infection.

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