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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Blood Test, Qualitative

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Blood Test, Qualitative

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The Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Blood Test, Qualitative detects HBsAB antibodies in a blood sample to screen for the Hepatitis B virus.

Sale through 03/18!


 What is the purpose of this test?

Order this Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAB) Blood Test, Qualitative to detect HBsAB antibodies in a blood sample to screen for the Hepatitis B virus. HBV is a viral infection that is characterized by inflammation of the liver. Most frequently, it is spread from blood-to-blood contact but may be transmitted through other bodily fluids. Typical forms of exposure to HBV vary depending on the geographical area but often occur during childbirth, when sharing needles for intravenous drug use, or during unprotected sex. An HBV infection can be either acute or chronic. Acute HBV is a short-term infection. Most individuals usually recover entirely from acute HBV without treatment within a few weeks to six months. However, about 5-10% of individuals with acute HBV develop chronic HBV, a long-term infection lasting six months or longer. Individuals with chronic HBV are at an increased risk of developing complications, such as severe damage to the liver, liver failure, and liver cancer. This panel detects the presence of hepatitis B antibodies and antigens, which can indicate past exposure to HBV or immunity to the virus. 


A Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Blood Test is the most common HBV test. Its presence will indicate previous exposure to HBV, but the virus is no longer present, and the person cannot pass it on to others. The antibody will also protect the body from future HBV infection. In addition to exposure to HBV, these antibodies can also be acquired from successful vaccination. This test is performed to determine the need for vaccination (if anti-HBs are absent) or following the completion of vaccination against the disease or an active infection.


When should I order a Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Blood Test, Qualitative?


Individuals interested in determining their immunity to Hepatitis B may order this test. Individuals should also note that this test cannot distinguish between a past or current infection; therefore, a positive result may indicate active infection and not immunity. However, suppose an active infection is not suspected based on the individual’s history, clinical signs, and other laboratory results. In that case, a positive IgG result is likely due to past infection, and the individual is assumed to be immune to the disease. Individuals are advised to follow up with their doctor or healthcare provider if they have significant concerns or questions about their results.

LC Sample ReportQD Sample Report
Test Code(s):

006395, 499

Also Known As:

Anti-HBs, Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, HBsAB, Hepatitis Bs Antibody.




No special preparation is required.

Test Results:

2-3 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.

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