What is the purpose of this test?
The Peak Performance Challenge Blood Test Panel is designed to help individuals understand their overall health and fitness levels. It includes a Lipid Profile, which measures cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. This information is important because it can help identify risks for heart disease and other health problems related to high cholesterol. Monitoring these levels is essential for anyone looking to improve their physical performance or overall health.
In addition to the lipid profile, the panel features a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14), which checks various substances in the blood, including glucose, electrolytes, and kidney and liver function. This test provides a broad picture of how well the body is working. The Hemoglobin A1c test measures average blood sugar levels over the past few months, helping to assess the risk of diabetes. By combining these tests, the Peak Performance Challenge Blood Test Panel helps individuals identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about their health and fitness goals.
The Peak Performance Challenge Blood Test Panel includes the following:
Lipid Panel With Total Cholesterol: HDL Ratio
- Cholesterol, Total -A sterol in the blood. Knowing your cholesterol level may be as important as knowing your blood pressure. Elevated cholesterol levels are associated with an increasing risk of coronary heart disease.
- Triglycerides - Triglycerides are fat in the blood that are responsible for providing energy to the cells of the body. Triglycerides should be less than 400 mg/dl even while in a non-fasting state.
- HDL Cholesterol - High-density lipoproteins are believed to take cholesterol away from cells and transport it back to the liver for removal or processing. They are known as the "good" cholesterol, as people with high levels of HDL may have less heart disease. Low HDL could be the result of lack of exercise and smoking.
- LDL Cholesterol - Low-density lipoproteins contain the largest percentage of cholesterol and may be responsible for depositing cholesterol on the artery walls. They are known as the "bad" cholesterol.
- Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio - calculated by dividing the total cholesterol by the HDL cholesterol. This is the ratio used by physicians in determining your relative risk for developing cardiovascular disease.
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14) with eGRF Blood Test:
- Glucose - Blood sugar level, the most direct test to screen for diabetes and also used in diabetes management.
- Kidney Profile
- Bun or Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - An indicator of kidney function.
- Creatinine, Serum - An indicator of kidney function.
- Bun/Creatinine Ratio - Calculated by dividing BUN by creatinine. This ratio can suggest conditions including dehydration or intestinal bleeding.
- Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) - Measures kidney function to determine kidney disease stage and detect early kidney damage.
- Liver Panel
- Protein, Total - Assists in determining liver and kidney function and nutritional health.
- Albumin Serum - One of the major proteins essential for the healthy function of the liver and kidney.
- Globulin, Total - One of the major proteins that assist the blood to clot properly and also comprises infection-fighting antibodies.
- Albumin/Globulin Ratio - Calculated by dividing albumin by globulin. When paired with other test results, this ratio can assist in diagnosing various liver problems.
- Bilirubin, Total - Aids in detecting hepatitis, sickle cell, anemia, cirrhosis, alcohol, and drug abuse. High concentrations may result in jaundice.
- Alkaline Phosphatase - A protein vital in detecting bone disorders and liver disease.
- Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST or SGOT) - An enzyme helpful in evaluating liver function. An elevated level is an indication of hepatitis.
- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT) - An enzyme helpful in identifying liver damage. Abnormalities may represent liver disease.
- Fluids & Electrolytes
- Sodium - One of the major salts in body fluid. Sodium is important in water balance and the electrical activity of nerves and muscles.
- Potassium - Helps to control the nerves and muscles.
- Chloride - Similar to sodium, it helps to maintain the body's electrolyte balance.
- Carbon Dioxide, Total - Used to help detect, evaluate, and monitor electrolyte imbalances.
- Calcium - A mineral essential for developing and maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It is also important for the normal function of muscles, nerves, and blood clotting.
Hemoglobin (Hgb) A1c -is a blood test that measures the average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months by assessing the percentage of glucose attached to hemoglobin in red blood cells. Its significance to overall peak performance lies in its ability to indicate how well blood sugar is being managed; maintaining optimal A1c levels is crucial for energy stability, endurance, and overall metabolic health. High A1c levels can lead to fatigue and decreased physical performance, while well-managed levels support sustained energy and enhanced athletic performance.
Benefits of the Peak Performance Challenge Blood Test Panel:
- Lipid Profile Assessment: Evaluates cholesterol levels for cardiovascular health.
- Metabolic Health: Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14) assesses organ function and metabolic processes.
- Blood Sugar Monitoring: Hemoglobin A1c testing helps track long-term blood sugar levels.
- Fitness Optimization: Provides insights to enhance physical performance and recovery.
- Health Risk Identification: Early detection of potential health issues related to performance.
- Personalized Recommendations: Guides lifestyle and dietary adjustments based on results.
- Convenient Testing: Easy access to comprehensive health evaluations through Walk-In Lab.
- Baseline Establishment: Helps establish a health baseline for future comparisons.
Preparation:Patient should maintain a stable diet for 2–3 weeks before blood collection and fast for 12–14 hours prior. Stop biotin 72 hours before collection.
Test Results:
2-4 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.
This test includes the following:
- Total Cholesterol
- High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol
- Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol (calculation)
- Triglycerides
- Very Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) Cholesterol (calculation) (LabCorp Only)