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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: Protein Electrophoresis Urine Test, 24-Hour

Protein Electrophoresis Urine Test, 24-Hour

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The Protein Electrophoresis Urine Test, 24-Hour, measures the types of protein in a urine sample collected over 24 hours.


What is the purpose of this test?

Order this Protein Electrophoresis Urine Test, 24-Hour, which measures the types of protein in a urine sample collected over 24 hours and helps screen for certain diseases. Proteins consist of amino acids with a positive or negative charge, allowing them to move through fluids when exposed to an electrical field. Usually, urine contains little to no protein. However, a high amount of protein in urine can indicate various disorders. A Protein Electrophoresis Urine Test may be recommended to determine the cause of protein in the urine. 


This test measures the levels of albumin and globulins, two types of protein, and can serve as a screening test. With protein electrophoresis, these two groups can be further separated into the following five smaller fractions:


  • Albumin - Albumin proteins keep the blood from leaking out of blood vessels. Albumin also helps carry some medicines and other substances through the blood and is essential for tissue growth and healing. More than half of the protein in blood serum is albumin.
  • Alpha-1 globulin - High-density lipoprotein (HDL), the good type of cholesterol, is included in this fraction.
  • Alpha-2 globulin - A protein called haptoglobin binds with hemoglobin and is included in the alpha-2 globulin fraction.
  • Beta globulin - Beta globulin proteins help carry substances, such as iron, through the bloodstream and help fight infection.
  • Gamma globulin - These proteins are also called antibodies. They help prevent and fight infection. Gamma globulins bind to foreign substances, such as bacteria or viruses, causing them to be destroyed by the immune system. See an illustration of the immune system. 


What do abnormal protein electrophoresis urine levels indicate?

If the urine sample has a significant amount of globulins or higher than normal level of albumin, it may be indicative of the following:


  • Acute urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Acute inflammation 
  • Abnormal protein buildup in tissues and organs (amyloidosis)
  • Decreased kidney function
  • Kidney disease due to diabetes (diabetic nephropathy)
  • Kidney failure
  • A type of blood cancer (multiple myeloma)
  • Group of symptoms that include protein in the urine, low protein level in the blood, swelling (nephrotic syndrome)
LC Sample ReportQD Sample Report
Test Code(s):

003368, 750

Also Known As:

Electrophoresis, Protein, 24-Hour Urine, UPEP (24hr), Globulins, 24-Hour Urine, Urine Electrophoresis, 24-Hour, Urine Protein Electrophoresis, 24-Hour




Patient must take their lab order to the lab to obtain a proper specimen container before collection. Urinate at 8am and discard the specimen. Then collect all urine in 24-hour period, ending with final collection at 8am the next morning. Refrigerate the collected urine between all voidings or keep it in a cool place. Screw the lid on securely. Transport the specimen promptly to the laboratory. Container must be labeled with full name, date and time collection started, and date and time collection finished.

Test Results:

3-7 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.

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