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Discount Panels

Thank you for shopping our discounted blood tests and panels. Walk-In Lab sells a wide variety of discount blood tests that help determine whether you are living in optimal health. Not only do the assortments of online blood tests found in these panels give you the best overall picture of your health, you also increase your saving by grouping lab tests together! Take control of your health and order lab tests online now!

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Complete Blood Count (CBC) and Comprehensive Metabol...

Order a routine Complete Blood Count and Comprehensive Metabolic Blood Test to diagnose and monitor health conditions by evaluating blood cells, liver and kidney function, and detecting diabetes.

Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel

Order a Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel for an annual comprehensive wellness profile to get insight into your overall health! A Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel includes a Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP-14) with eGRF Blood Test, Glucose Levels, Kidney Profile, Liver Panel, Fluids and Electrolytes, Lipid Panel with Total Cholesterol: HDL Ratio, Thyroid Panel with Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH), Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential and Platelets, Mineral and Bone.

Thyroid #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel

The Thyroid #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel evaluates healthy thyroid function and screens for thyroid disorders.

Lipid Blood Test Panel Plus Hemoglobin (Hb) A1C

The Lipid Panel Blood Test Plus Hemoglobin A1c screens for cardiovascular disease in individuals with diabetes.

Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel plus Vitamin ...

Order a Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel plus Vitamin D, for a comprehensive test that helps to evaluate overall health status. It helps identify potential issues or abnormalities

Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel plus Hemoglob...

The Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel plus Hemoglobin A1c is for getting a thorough overview of overall health and helps detect potential issues or anomalies.

Thyroid #2 Essential Blood Test Panel

The Thyroid #2 Essential Blood Test Panel helps identify an underactive or overactive thyroid state.

Wellness #3 Extreme Blood and Urine Test Panel

The Wellness #3 Extreme Blood and Urine Test Panel is a comprehensive health screening test to examine a patient's various health markers, it helps identify potential health issues.

Liver Profile #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel

The Liver Profile #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel helps evaluate the liver's overall health and identify potential liver damage or disease.

Vitamin B12 and Folate Blood Test Panel

The Vitamin B12 and Folate Blood Test Panel checks your levels of two important vitamins that help with energy, brain function, and red blood cell production, making sure you're not at risk for deficiencies that can cause fatigue or anemia.

Thyroxine Free Direct (T4) plus Thyroid-stimulating ...

The Thyroxine Free Direct (T4) plus Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH) Blood Test Panel evaluates healthy thyroid hormone function and screens for thyroid disorders.

Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel plus Prostate...

The Wellness #2 Blood Test Panel is a comprehensive blood test to evaluate the overall health and functioning of the body.

Free T3 and Free T4 Blood Test Panel

The Free T3 and Free T4 Blood Test Panel evaluate thyroid function if a thyroid disorder is suspected.

Wellness #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel

The Wellness #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel includes 2 comprehensive tests that evaluate important biomarkers to help identify potential health issues and better understand overall health.

Anemia #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel

The Anemia #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel measures biomarkers in a blood sample to help screen for an iron deficiency and other causes of anemia.

Hormone #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel, Women

The Hormone #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel, Women, helps diagnose hormone-related conditions like menopause by evaluating hormone levels in their bloodstream.

Vitamin Deficiency and Wellness Blood Test Panel

The Vitamin Deficiency and Wellness Blood Test Panel helps to screen for vitamin deficiency and assess overall health and wellness.

Thyroid #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel

The Thyroid #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel provides a detailed evaluation of thyroid function and detects the number of specific thyroid antibodies in the blood of individuals showcasing signs of thyroid disorder.

Cardio Plus Blood Test Panel

The Cardio Plus Blood Test Panel checks cholesterol and triglyceride levels, how well your liver and kidneys are working, and your blood cells to see how healthy your heart is and find any other health issues.

Cancer Screening Panel, Women

The Cancer Screening Panel for Women consists of 5 tumor markers to help diagnose and monitor cancer, predict its behavior, and check for recurrence after treatment.

LUPUS Auto-Immune Blood Test Panel

The Lupus Auto-Immune Blood Test Panel is a set of tests that help doctors diagnose lupus, an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the body’s own cells, by checking for specific antibodies, inflammation, and damage to guide treatment decisions.

Thyroid #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel plus Reverse T3

The Thyroid #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel plus Reverse T3 provides a detailed evaluation of thyroid function and detects the number of specific thyroid antibodies in the blood of individuals showcasing signs of thyroid disorder.

Thyroid #2 Essential Blood Test Panel plus Reverse T...

The Thyroid #2 Essential Blood Test Panel plus Reverse T3 provides a detailed evaluation of thyroid function for individuals showcasing signs of thyroid disorder.

STD #2 Essential Blood and Urine Test Panel, 9 Tests

The  STD #2 Essential Blood and Urine Panel, 9 Tests helps to screen for and diagnose nine common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

HMB #1 Blood Test Panel

The HMB #1 blood test panel includes ceruloplasmin, copper, and zinc.

Hormone #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel, Men

The Hormone #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel, Men screens for hormone imbalances related to andropause or decreased testosterone production.

Thyroid Antibodies Panel Blood Test

The Thyroid Antibodies Panel Blood Test detects and measures the number of specific thyroid antibodies in the blood to screen for thyroid disorders.

Wellness Express Blood Test Panel

The Wellness Express Blood Test Panel consists of 5 essential blood tests to determine overall wellness.

Lipid Blood Test Panel Plus Hemoglobin A1C and Gluco...

The Lipid Blood Test Panel Plus Hemoglobin A1C and Glucose assesses cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk by measuring cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Pregnancy Progression Blood Test Panel

The Pregnancy Progression Blood Test Panel detects and measures hCG and progesterone levels in the blood to help monitor pregnancy progression.

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Wellness #3 Extreme Blood and Urine Test Panel
- $23.90
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