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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: Arsenic Blood Test

Arsenic Blood Test

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The Arsenic Blood Test is used to test for acute exposure to arsenic and/or monitor recent exposure to it.


The arsenic blood test checks for exposure to the heavy metal arsenic.  Arsenic is a natural element found in soil and minerals and is also used in compounds to preserve wood and as pesticides. Arsenic can get into the air, water, and the ground from wind-blown dust. It may also get into water from runoff. 

Arsenic exposure can be from:

  • consuming small amounts in food, water, or air 
  • breathing sawdust or smoke from burning arsenic-treated wood 
  • residing or working in a location with high levels of arsenic in rock 
  • workplace exposure 

Exposure to arsenic can cause many health problems, including: 

  • corns and small warts
  • changes in the color of your skin 
  • inflammation of the lungs 
  • nerve damage 
  • heart problems 
  • cancer 
  • death

Repeated exposure over a long period of time can cause cancer or even death.

Arsenic may not be detected in blood specimens drawn more than two days after exposure.

Test Code(s):

007245, 269

Also Known As:

Arsenic Blood




Patient should avoid seafood and red wine 72 hours prior to collection.

Test Results:

5-6 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

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