Cadmium is a toxic element which has the potential to cause health issues when you are exposed to it. Exposure to cadmium most commonly happens in the workplace or an industrial setting. Cadmium is used in a number of metals and employment positions which involve grinding, welding, heating, and other forms of metalwork have a high risk of exposure. This element is naturally found in our environment. The buildup of Cadmium in the body from environmental exposure possibly may not show any short-term symptoms. Being a smoker gives a higher risk of cadmium toxicity due to the presence of cadmium in tobacco products.
Symptoms of Cadmium poisoning through industrial exposure may include:
- fatigue
- chest pain and burning in the throat
- coughing
- renal damage
Chronic exposure may cause:
- atherosclerosis
- kidney disease
- early hypertension
Longterm health complications can include:
- cancer
- kidney damage
- weak bones
- infertility
LC Sample ReportQD Sample ReportTest Code(s):
299, 085340
Also Known As: CDB; Blood concentration, cadmium; Cd
Preparation:No special preparation required.
Test Results:
5-7 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.