What is the purpose of this test?
Order this Urinalysis, Complete (UA) & Urine Culture Panel, which evaluates several components of a urine sample to help diagnose a urinary tract infection (UTI). Urinalysis (UA) tests are often done to check for urinary tract infections, kidney disorders, or diabetes. In addition, it may also be conducted as part of a routine checkup if an individual is admitted to the hospital, before having surgery, or if they are pregnant. It can also monitor the progression of medical conditions and the effectiveness of treatments. However, urine culture tests are usually ordered if an individual showcases symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) or when a UA test indicates a UTI.
This Urinalysis, Complete (UA) & Urine Culture Panel evaluates a urine sample for:
- Its color
- Its appearance (whether it is clear or cloudy)
- Any odor
- The pH level
- Whether there are substances that are generally not in urine (blood, excess protein, glucose, ketones, and bilirubin)
- Whether there are cells, crystals, and casts
- Whether it contains bacteria or other germs
- Antibiotic susceptibility testing is only performed when appropriate, helping to determine which treatment will work best if bacteria are found.
When should I order a Urinalysis, Complete (UA) & Urine Culture Panel?
Individuals may order this panel if they have experienced the symptoms of a UTI. Common signs or symptoms of a UTI include the following:
- A frequent urge to urinate
- Pain or a burning sensation during urination
- Cloudy, strong-smelling urine
- Lower back pain
In addition, this panel may help screen pregnant women for asymptomatic bacteriuria, a condition in which substantial amounts of bacteria are in the urine but do not cause symptoms. Approximately 2-10% of pregnant women in the U.S. have this condition which can result in a more severe kidney infection and an increased risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight.
LC Sample ReportQD Sample ReportAlso Known As: UA & Urine Culture
Preparation:No fasting is required. First morning specimens yield highest bacterial counts from overnight incubation in the bladder, and are the best specimens.
Test Results:3-5 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.