LC Sample ReportQD Sample ReportTest Code(s):
082345, 90349
Also Known As: Syphilis Test; Syphilis Antibodies; Trep-Sure™; Treponemal; Reponema Ab; Treponema Pallidum; Reverse Algorithm; T. Pallidum; Treponema Pallidum Antibodies
Preparation:No special preparation is required.
Test Results:2-5 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.
Details:(LabCorp Only)This test includes a reflexive qualitative RPR Screen for positive Treponema pallidum antibody results.
(Not Included with LabCorp)This test includes a reflexive RPR Screen for positive Treponema pallidum antibody results. If the RPR Screen is reactive, an RPR Titer will be performed. If the RPR Screen is non-reactive, a Treponema pallidum antibody particle agglutination test will be conducted.