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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: STD #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel, 3 Tests

STD #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel, 3 Tests

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The STD #1 Baseline Blood Test Panel, 3 Tests, helps to screen for three common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Sale through 03/18!


What are STDs?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are infections transmitted between sexual partners and through skin-to-skin contact. Some STDs can be transmitted from a pregnant person to the baby during pregnancy or birth. STDs may also be spread during breastfeeding, through blood transfusions, or by sharing needles. Many STDs cause mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Unfortunately, having an STD can also increase the risk of getting HIV. STD screening is vital to ensure early detection and prompt treatment to prevent the spread of infection.


The STD #1 Essential Blood Test Panel includes:

HIV Antigen/Antibodies Test - is the recommended standard rapid test for routine HIV Screening. It typically sees quick results in 1-2 business days and is one of the most affordable HIV tests. The HIV Antigen/Antibodies test, also known as a 4th Generation HIV Test, looks for antibodies to HIV and the p24 Antigen-specific to HIV. Antibodies to HIV typically begin to develop several weeks after exposure. These antibodies will be detectable in most people by 12 weeks from exposure. However, some people may detect antibodies as early as four weeks from exposure. The p24 Antigen is a viral protein comprising most of the HIV viral core (capsid). P24 Antigen levels are typically highest a few weeks after exposure and drop to undetectable levels when antibodies begin to develop. The combination of screening for both antibodies and antigen allow this test to detect a significantly higher number of early infections than previous generations of HIV screening. In addition to the antigen and antibody screening, this test includes additional supplemental testing at no extra cost in the event of a positive result.


Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) I and II - Herpes simplex viruses, more commonly known as herpes, are categorized into two types: herpes type 1 (HSV-1, or oral herpes) and herpes type 2 (HSV-2, or genital herpes). Herpes-type 1 most commonly causes sores around the mouth and lips (sometimes called fever blisters or cold sores). In addition, HSV-1 may cause genital herpes, but most cases of genital herpes are caused by herpes type 2. In HSV-2, the infected person may have sores around the rectum or genitals. Although HSV-2 sores may occur in other locations, these sores generally are found below the waist.


Hepatitis C Antibody Blood Test - is used for detecting antibodies to the Hepatitis C virus. Since a person with a past infection will have a lifelong antibody response, confirmed positive antibody tests mean that the person had been exposed to the virus at one time or another. These tests are highly effective in ruling out HCV. The most up-to-date EIA can detect antibodies as early as six-eight weeks. Though a negative test can be extremely useful now, it is best to wait about three months to avoid needing a follow-up test.


When should I order an STD #1 Extreme Blood Panel, 3 Tests?

Individuals may order this panel if they have experienced symptoms related to an STD or if an infection is suspected. However, STDs don't always cause symptoms or may only cause mild symptoms. So it is possible to have an infection and not know it. And even without symptoms, STDs can still be harmful and may be passed on during sex. If there are symptoms, they may include:


  • Unusual discharge or odor from the genitals
  • Sores or warts on the genitals
  • Painful or frequent urination
  • Itching and redness on the genitals
  • Blisters or sores in or around the mouth
  • Anal itching, soreness, or bleeding
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever


Shop additional STD tests.

LC Sample ReportQD Sample Report
Test Code(s):

597, 2225




No fasting is required. Patient should stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection.

Test Results:

3-5 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.

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