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Morgan Prenatal Blood Test Panel #2 - NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE

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A Morgan Prenatal Blood Test Panel #2 includes Hepatitis B Surface Antigen,  ABO Grouping, and RH Typing, HIV-1/2 Preliminary Blood Test (4th generation), RPR, and Rubella Antibodies Blood Test, IgG

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen - Test blood donors (HBsAg positive individuals are rejected). Hepatitis B surface antigen is the earliest indicator of the presence of acute infection. Also indicative of chronic infection. The test is useful in the differential diagnosis of hepatitis.

Patients who are negative for HBsAg may still have acute type B viral hepatitis. There is sometimes a “core window” stage when HBsAg has become negative and the patient has not yet developed the antibody (anti-HBs). On such occasions, both tests for anti-HBc are usually positive and anti-HBc, IgM is the only specific marker for the diagnosis of acute infection with hepatitis B. In cases with strong clinical suspicion of viral hepatitis, serologic testing should not be limited to detecting HBsAg, but should include a battery of tests to evaluate different stages of acute and convalescent hepatitis.

Rubella Antibodies IgG -Rubella virus, the cause of German measles, is usually a mild exanthem and often subclinical. When acquired in utero however, rubella virus can cause the congenital rubella syndrome, and lead to fetal demise, deafness, malformation, and mental retardation. The federal government and many states support programs to immunize women against rubella before they have children for this reason. In the early 1990s, there was a resurgence of congenital rubella and more widespread testing for rubella serology is recommended.

RPRA highly contagious infection caused by the Treponema pallidum bacteria, Syphilis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD). The syphilis infection is transmitted through contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre, usually during sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, or oral). Sometimes, Syphilis is transmitted from a parent to a child during fetal development or childbirth. 

This Treponema Pallidum (Syphilis) Screening Cascade test screens for and diagnoses Syphilis. First, an initial test is performed to screen for treponemal antibodies that cause a Syphilis infection. Then, a reflexive Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) test will be performed if these antibodies are detected to confirm the patient's diagnosis.

HIV 1 and 2 Preliminary Blood Test (4th generation)- The HIV 1 and 2 Preliminary Blood Test (4th generation) is the recommended standard rapid test for routine HIV Screening. It typically sees quick results in just 1-2 business days and is one of the most affordable HIV tests available. The HIV Antigen/Antibodies test, also known as a 4th Generation HIV Test, looks for both antibodies to the HIV virus and the p24 Antigen, which is specific to HIV. Antibodies to HIV typically begin to develop several weeks after exposure. In the majority of people, these antibodies will be detectable by 12 weeks from the point of exposure. In some people, antibodies may be detectable as early as 4 weeks from exposure. The p24 Antigen is a viral protein which makes up the majority of the HIV viral core (capsid). P24 Antigen levels are typically highest a few weeks after exposure and drop to undetectable levels during the time when antibodies begin to develop. The combination of screening for both antibodies and antigen allow this test to detect a significantly higher number of early infections than previous generations of HIV screening.

ABO Group and RHO(D) Typing - The results of blood typing tests will tell you if you are group A, B, AB, or O and whether you are Rh negative or positive depending on what antigens are present on your red blood cells. The results will tell the health professional what blood or blood components will be safe for you to receive. The results will tell a pregnant woman whether she is Rh positive or Rh negative and whether she may be a candidate for receiving Rh immune globulin to prevent her from potentially developing antibodies against her fetus blood cells. Blood typing will also tell the personnel at collection facilities what blood type you are donating and who can safely receive your blood.


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