Adult German cockroaches are about 13-16 mm and are tan or light brown with stripes behind their head. While they do have wings, they rarely fly. They prefer to run. These cockroaches are mostly found indoors and are often spotted in small spaces such as under sinks, cabinets, and garbage containers. They tend to be found hiding in electronic devices due to their warmth. These pests can produce allergens from their feces, saliva, and when they shed body parts. These allergens are like dust mites and get in the air through different activities such as vacuuming or sweeping.
Symptoms could include:
• Wheezing
• Nasal congestion
• Coughing
• Ear infections
• Sinus infection
• Skin rash
Positive allergy test results should be discussed with your physician.
Test Code(s):
602488, 2736
Preparation:No special preparation required.
Test Results:
3-5 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.