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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: ION Blood and Urine Profile- Genova Test Kit

ION Blood and Urine Profile- Genova Test Kit - NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE

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The ION (Individual Optimal Nutrition) is a combination of nutritional tests that measure levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and organic, fatty and amino acids. Using the combination of nutritional testing profiles, the ION® offers a complete evaluation of nutritional functions that impact patients’ mental and physical well-being.  Note: This is a pre-paid shipping test kit that will be mailed and it requires a blood draw. Please Click Here to locate a lab for specimen collection.

Sale through 03/31!


Over time, functional nutritional deficiencies can result in a variety of chronic health conditions. The ION® nutritional testing profile can help determine the basis for these conditions. Nutritional testing profiles included in the ION® nutritional test: Organix nutritional test profile – reveals nutritional and metabolic impairments Amino Acid nutritional test profile – determines essential amino acid imbalances that affect both physical and mental function Nutrient and Toxic Element test profile – identifies a patient’s toxic burden and mineral status Fatty Acid nutritional test profile – helps identify the right balance of fatty acids that can impact health and development Antioxidant Vitamins test – measures vitamins involved in antioxidant functions Coenzyme Q10 nutritional test – measures total body status of this antioxidant nutrient and energy pathway cofactor Lipid Peroxides nutritional test – measures total serum lipid peroxidation, an indication of whole body free radical activity Homocysteine test – identifies total homocysteine in plasma and elevated levels are an independent risk factor for premature cardiovascular disease and atherothrombotic cerebrovascular disease The ION® nutritional test profile is helpful in cases of: Heart Disease: where deficiencies of magnesium, taurine, carnitine, fatty acids and other important substances commonly accompany heart disease. Re-supplying depleted nutrients greatly aids in prevention and recovery. Obesity and Weight Issues: often people battling obesity and weight issues have multiple nutritional deficiencies. Dietary improvement and nutritional supplementation based on ION® test results help many achieve more active metabolism. In the process, they are able to eliminate excess fat and fluid. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: an enigmatic disorder that frequently involves mitochondrial inefficiencies (deficits in cellular energy production) that can be revealed by comparing the organic acids, amino acids, and minerals test results. Immune System Disorders: where nutritional deficiencies come in a wide variety, from amino acids to fatty acids to zinc. Developmental Delays: increasing numbers of children are experiencing dramatic improvements in development and achievement due to supplementation based on ION test results. Mood Disorders: often have underlying biochemical imbalances which are revealed by testing for organic acids, amino acids, minerals, and fatty acids. Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: functional nutrient levels are affected, including many of those involved in cellular respiration. The ION® profile can determine where imbalances occur.

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Blood and Urine

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