What is the purpose of this test?
Order this Estrogens Blood Test, Total, which assesses estrogen levels in both men and women. Estrogen is a group of steroids that play a vital role in women's reproductive organs. The test is conducted to identify abnormalities and is useful in monitoring infertility treatments or menopause symptoms. Men can also undergo this test if they experience enlarged breasts.
What conditions are associated with abnormal estrogen levels?
Abnormal estrogen levels are associated with several conditions. Estrogen doesn't necessarily cause these conditions. Instead, estrogen may worsen a condition or symptom you already have.
High estrogen levels are associated with conditions such as:
- Breast cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- Endometriosis pain
- Insulin resistance
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Uterine cancer (endometrial cancer)
- Tumors on your ovaries and adrenal glands
Low estrogen levels are associated with the following conditions:
- Menopause
- Eating disorders (such as anorexia and bulimia)
- Turner syndrome
- Fragile X
- Autoimmune diseases
- Premature menopause
- Cancer treatments (radiation and chemotherapy)
- Pituitary gland disorder
- Hypothalamic amenorrhea
When should I order an Estrogens Blood Test, Total?
Individuals may order this test if they have experienced estrogen deficiency or excess symptoms. Common signs or symptoms related to an estrogen deficiency or excess include:
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Dense breast tissue
- Dry skin
- Tender breasts
- Weak or brittle bones
- Trouble concentrating
- Moodiness and irritability
- Vaginal dryness
- Hot flashes and night sweats
- Weight gain
- Headaches
- Decreased sex drive and painful intercourse
- Insomnia
LC Sample ReportQD Sample ReportTest Code(s):
004549, 439
Also Known As: Estrogen; Estrogenic Hormones
Preparation:No fasting is required. Patients must avoid having a radioisotope scan prior to the collection of specimens.
Test Results:
2-4 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.