The sensitive estradiol test uses an LC-MS methodology which allows better detection at the lower limits of the range compared to regular immunoassay estradiol test. If you are supplementing with estradiol, it is important to take it approximately 2 hours prior to having your blood drawn. Any type of contraceptives that contain hormones will invalidate hormone results.
Walk-In Lab's sensitive estradiol blood test helps determine the causes of infertility, specifically in situations where low estradiol levels are suspected. This assay's analytic range is appropriate for assessing low levels of estradiol typically observed in men, postmenopausal women and prepubertal girls. Estradiol levels and gonadotropins can help establish the cause of precocious puberty in females.
About Estradiol:
Estradiol is a steroid and the primary reproductive hormone in non pregnant women. It plays an important role in secondary sexual characteristic development in females, and in fetal development. Additionally, estradiol influences uterus maintenance and maturation during the menstrual cycle. Estradiol levels steadily increase during the menstrual cycle's follicular phase, which is in association with the development and growth and of the ovarian follicle. During the follicular phase, estradiol exerts a negative feedback control on the pituitary, causing a drop in FSH levels. Near the end of this phase, there is a dramatic increase in estradiol levels. At this point, the feedback of estradiol on the hypothalamus becomes positive and produces the midcycle surge of LH which immediately precedes ovulation. After ovulation, estradiol levels fall abruptly, but increase as the corpus luteum forms. At the close of the cycle, levels taper off in anticipation of the next follicular phase. The placenta produces estradiol during pregnancy. During menopause, estradiol levels are generally low due to decreased ovarian production.
Estradiol in Males:
The male testes produces a small amount of estradiol. Elevated levels of estradiol in males can lead to gynecomastia. These increased levels can be caused by increased body fat, which results in enhanced peripheral aromatization of androgens. High estradiol levels in men can also be caused by excessive use of alcohol, marijuana or prescription drugs, including phenothiazines and spironolactone. Estradiol levels can also elevate dramatically in germ cell tumors and a number of gland tumors in both men and women.
LC Sample ReportQD Sample ReportTest Code(s):
140244, 30289
Also Known As: E2 Sensitive
Preparation:No special preparation required.
Test Results:
5-7 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.