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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: Drug Abuse Profile, Urine Test (Seven Drugs + Alcohol)

Drug Abuse Profile, Urine Test (Seven Drugs + Alcohol)

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A Drug Abuse Profile Urine Test checks for the 7 most common drugs of abuse. Urine testing can typically detect drug use going back several days but the detection period will vary depending on a number of factors.

Sale through 03/18!


The 7 Panel Urine Drug Test checks for the most common drugs of abuse.  Urine testing can typically detect drug use going back several days but the detection period will vary depending on a number of factors.  Confirmatory testing will be performed at no additional cost. 

Tests included:

Amphetamines (includes meth)
Benzodiazepines (valium, Xanax)
Cannabinoids (marijuana)
Opiates (codeine, morphine)
Phencyclidine (PCP)

Please read below for the description of individual drug test:

Amphetamines: Stimulants of the central nervous system and sympathetic division of the peripheral nervous system. It appears that the main action of amphetamines is to increase the synaptic activity of the dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmitter systems.

Barbiturates: Barbiturates are depressants or downers. They work by depressing the activity of the entire nervous system.

Benzodiazepines: medicines that help relieve nervousness, tension, and other symptoms by slowing the central nervous system.

Cannabinoids: Unique to the cannabis plant. Cannabis products are usually smoked. Their effects are felt within minutes, reach their peak in 10 to 30 minutes, and may linger for two or three hours. The effects experienced often depend upon the experience and expectations of the individual user, as well as the activity of the drug itself. Low doses tend to induce a sense of well-being and a dreamy state of relaxation, which may be accompanied by a more vivid sense of sight, smell, taste, and hearing, as well as by subtle alterations in thought formation and expression. This state of intoxication may not be noticeable to an observer. However; driving, occupational, or household accidents may result from a distortion of time and space relationships and impaired coordination. Stronger doses intensify reactions. The individual may experience shifting sensory imagery, rapidly fluctuating emotions, fragmentary thoughts with disturbing associations, an altered sense of self- identity, impaired memory, and a dulling of attention despite an illusion of heightened insight. High doses may result in image distortion, a loss of personal identity, fantasies, and hallucinations.

Cocaine: Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant that directly affects the brain. Cocaine is not a new drug. In fact, it is one of the oldest known drugs. Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug. Thus, an individual may have difficulty predicting or controlling the extent to which he or she will continue to want or use the drug. Cocaines stimulant and addictive effects are thought to be primarily a result of its ability to inhibit the re-absorption of dopamine by nerve cells.

Opiates: Opiates function as central nervous system depressants, which slow down the responses of the central nervous system including the brain to external stimuli. Users report intense feelings of euphoria and/or relaxation. For this reason, opiates are often used to escape from difficult emotional or physical pain.

Phencyclidine: PCP has some similarities to hallucinogens, but also belongs in a category of its own. It can also demonstrate properties of both stimulants and depressants. A person on PCP may exhibit slurred speech, blank stares, muscle rigidity, disorientation, and excitement; they may feel a loss of personal identity.

Sample Report
Test Code(s):


Also Known As:

Seven Drugs Plus Ethanol; Drug Abuse Panel 7-50 plus Ethanol, with Confirmation




No special preparation required.

Test Results:

6-9 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

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