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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: CardioMetabolic Profile, Serum - Doctor's Data Kit

CardioMetabolic Profile, Serum - Doctor's Data Kit

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This CardioMetabolic Profile, Serum assesses risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic factors related to metabolic syndrome and diabetes.  Note: This is a pre-paid shipping test kit that will be mailed and it requires a blood draw. Please Click Here to locate a lab for specimen collection.

Sale through 03/31!


Notice: This test kit is not available for purchase by residents of New York due to state restrictions. We apologize for any inconvenience.

This test measures the following analytes:

  • Cystatin C
  • Leptin
  • Adiponectin
  • Leptin: Adiponectin ratio
  • Apolipoprotein A1
  • Apolipoprotein B
  • C-Reactive Protein
  • Creatinine; serum with eGFR
  • Glucose
  • Glycomark (1,5-AG)
  • HDL Cholesterol
  • Homocysteine
  • Insulin
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • Lipoprotein (a)
  • Non-HDL Cholesterol
  • Oxidized LDL
  • PLAC (LP-PLA2 Activity)
  • Small dense LDL Cholesterol
  • Total Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • VLDL Cholesterol


What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD), also known as atherosclerosis (ASCVD), starts in childhood and manifests as a disease later in life. CVD is inflammation of the arteries caused by plaque buildup over time. This plaque buildup restricts the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout your body, eventually resulting in a severe health condition such as a heart attack or stroke. According to expert organizations like the World Health Organization, heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death globally. Recommendations for cardiac screening with a standard lipid panel vary between expert organizations, with some recommending screening as early as 20 years old. However, patients with increased risk factors for ASCVD may require earlier and more frequent screenings.


What is the purpose of this test?

Order this CardioMetabolic Profile assesses risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic factors related to metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Although standard lipid panels measure overall cholesterol levels, bad cholesterol (LDL), good cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides to evaluate an individual's risk of cardiovascular disease, they do not comprehensively evaluate their overall health. Studies have shown that advanced cardiovascular panels with additional biomarkers may provide clinical insight and help tailor therapies.


Individuals with insulin resistance or diabetes and one or more risk factor have an even greater risk of heart disease or stroke. However, people with diabetes may avoid or delay the development of heart and blood vessel disease by managing their risk factors. Working with a healthcare provider to perform periodic testing such as this CardioMetabolic Profile can help individuals assess whether they have developed any risk factors associated with CVD. In addition, individuals can use the clinical information from the profile to work with their healthcare provider to make necessary lifestyle and dietary changes.


Therefore, Doctor's Data has developed the CardioMetabolic Profile by combining the best conventional and functional laboratory biomarkers. This profile evaluates cholesterol and triglyceride levels, targeted apolipoproteins, essential ratios, high-sensitivity CRP, PLAC® activity, homocysteine, and insulin resistance. 


When should I order a CardioMetabolic Profile, Serum?

Individuals may order this CardioMetabolic Profile if they have an increased risk of developing CVD. Cardiovascular risk factors include:

  • Increasing age
  • Family history of early cardiovascular disease
  • Insulin resistance
  • Liver disease
  • High cholesterol from a prior test
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes or prediabetes
  • Overweight or obese
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Not enough physical activity
Test Code(s):



Ship specimens Monday through Friday only. No fasting is required. If possible, take medications or supplements after collection. Check with your physician before stopping medications.

Test Results:

5-7 business days once the lab receives the specimen. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.

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