What is the purpose of this test?
Order this Cadmium, 24-Hour Urine Test evaluates exposure to the toxic metal cadmium in a urine sample over 24 hours. Cadmium (Cd) is a bluish-white metal found in zinc ores and the cadmium mineral greenockite. It is soft and malleable. Many businesses and industrial processes rely on cadmium. It is commonly used in manufacturing, but worker exposure can occur in other sectors, such as construction, wholesale trade, and transportation.
Exposure to cadmium and its compounds can be very harmful as they are highly toxic and can cause cancer. This metal can harm various systems in the body, such as the cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, neurological, reproductive, and respiratory systems. While acute toxicity is uncommon, continued low-level exposure to toxic metals is more prevalent and can lead to the body's retention of these harmful substances. This can cause adverse health effects and chronic diseases.
Having low levels of heavy metals such as iron and zinc is essential for maintaining good health. On the other hand, certain metals may exist in the body in small amounts due to typical environmental exposure. Nevertheless, high concentrations of toxic metals like cadmium can be hazardous and lead to severe symptoms in individuals who have been exposed. The accumulation of toxic metals can happen over a short or long period, and toxic metal testing can assist in detecting harmful exposure. Testing can be conducted for various purposes, such as screening, diagnosing, and monitoring toxic metal poisoning.
- Screening is a way to detect signs of toxic metal poisoning even if an individual hasn't experienced any symptoms. It is recommended for individuals who work in environments with potential cadmium exposure.
- Diagnosing involves identifying the root cause of the illness. In cases where toxic metal poisoning is suspected, undergoing testing can confirm the diagnosis and pinpoint the source of the exposure. A healthcare provider may recommend this step.
- Monitoring is necessary to assess how well the treatment is working for individuals with toxic metal poisoning.
When should I order a Cadmium, 24-Hour Urine Test?
Individuals may order this test if they have experienced symptoms related to cadmium metal toxicity. Common signs or symptoms of cadmium metal toxicity may include:
- Abdominal pain
- Chills
- Diarrhea
- Muscle weakness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Shortness of breath
- Tingling of the hands or feet
Preparation:Patient should avoid seafood consumption for 48 hours prior to collection.
Test Results:
2-8 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.