The basic metabolic panel is a series of 8 blood tests that provides information about your body's metabolism The BMP blood test evaluates kidney function, blood acid/base balance, and glucose or blood sugar levels.
The BMP blood test includes the following tests:
· Glucose – Also known as blood sugar must remain a relatively constant level in the blood.
Electrolytes and fluids
· Sodium - vital to normal body processes, including nerve and muscle function
· Potassium - vital to cell metabolism and muscle function
· CO2 (carbon dioxide, bicarbonate) - helps to maintain the body's ph or acid-base balance
· Chloride - helps to regulate the amount of fluid in the body and maintain the acid-base balance
· Calcium - essential for the proper functioning of muscles, nerves, and the heart
Kidney Tests
· Creatinine – waste product produced in the muscles; it is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys so blood levels are a good indication of how well the kidneys are working.
· BUN (blood urea nitrogen) - waste product filtered out of the blood by the kidneys; conditions that affect the kidney have the potential to affect the amount of urea in the blood.
· Bun/Creatinine RatioCalculated by dividing the BUN by the Creatinine.
LC Sample ReportQD Sample ReportTest Code(s):
322758, 10165
Also Known As: Basic Chemistry Panel, BMP Test
Preparation:Fasting for 12 hours required.
Test Results:
1-2 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.