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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: Antiphosphatidylserine Blood Test, IgA, IgG, and IgM

Antiphosphatidylserine Blood Test, IgA, IgG, and IgM

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The Antiphosphatidylserine Blood Test, IgA, IgG, and IgM detect antibodies in the blood to screen for autoimmune thrombotic disorders, such as antiphospholipid syndrome.


What is the purpose of this test?

Order this Antiphosphatidylserine Blood Test, IgA, IgG, and IgM, which detects antibodies in the blood to screen for autoimmune thrombotic disorders, such as antiphospholipid syndrome (aPS). Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that can trigger the formation of irregular blood clots in arteries and veins. These clots can lead to serious health complications like heart attack and stroke. In pregnant women, this condition may result in a miscarriage or stillbirth.


Diagnosing antiphospholipid syndrome can be challenging since many individuals do not show any noticeable symptoms. Some may experience symptoms that are also common in other conditions, including leg pain or swelling, rash, chronic headaches, nose or gum bleeding, and low platelet levels from a CBC test. A single positive test for Phosphatidylserine Antibodies does not establish the diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome. Repeating the test if one or more antibody types are positive is typically recommended.


When should I order an Antiphosphatidylserine Blood Test, IgA, IgG, and IgM?

Individuals may order this test if they have experienced symptoms related to antiphospholipid syndrome. Common signs or symptoms of this condition may include:


  • Blood clots
  • Recurring miscarriages
  • Low blood platelet levels
  • Shortage of red blood cells (anemia)
  • A lace-like reddish or purplish pattern on the skin (livedo reticularis)
  • Heart valve abnormalities
Sample Report
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No special preparation is required.

Test Results:

5-7 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.

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