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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: Alpha Lactalbumin Allergy IgE Blood Test

Alpha Lactalbumin Allergy IgE Blood Test

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The alpha lactalbumin allergy blood test checks for an allergic reaction to alpha lactalbumin by determining IgE antibodies' level in the blood.


Alpha lactalbumin makes up a small percent of the total protein in cow's milk. Most often, you know the things that don't sit well with you. Other times you have no idea why you feel miserable and have constant symptoms. If an individual has an alpha lactalbumin allergy, symptoms are experienced after ingesting dairy or any dairy items.

An immune-system response in the body causes food allergies. The body views certain substances as toxic and produces IgE antibodies to these contaminants. These antibodies cause histamine to be released, which will cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Many people who have an allergy to one type of milk protein are usually allergic to others.  Common symptoms of an allergic reaction may include:

  • Rash
  • Hives or excessive itching
  • Swelling of the tongue, lips, or throat
  • Cramps
  • Nausea
  • Constipation


Sample Report
Test Code(s):

602731, 2851




No special preparation required.

Test Results:

4-6 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

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