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LUPUS Auto-Immune Blood Test Panel

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A LUPUS blood test is used to help diagnose Lupus. This test includes Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) Direct, Complete Blood Count with Differential and Platelets (CBC), Urinalysis Complete, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor, Sedimentation Rate (ESR), C-Reactive Protein (CRP) High Sensitivity Cardiac Risk, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel - 14 tests, Prothrombin Time (PT) and Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT).


Test Code:


CPT Code(s):

See Individual Tests

Also Known As:

Lupus blood test


See Individual Tests.


Blood + Urine


Fasting for 12 hours required.

Test Results:

2-3 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

Walk-In Lab is prohibited from selling LabCorp tests to residents in the following states:NY, NJ, RI, MA, MD


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Test Code:


CPT Code(s):

See Individual Tests


See Individual Tests.


Blood + Urine


Fasting for 12 hours required.

Test Results:

2-3 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

Walk-In Lab is prohibited from selling Quest tests to residents in the following states:AZ, NY, NJ, RI

What is Lupus?

Lupus is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disorder that may affect the skin, joints, blood cells, and internal organs, especially the kidneys, heart and lungs.

What are Lupus Symptoms?

Signs of lupus are highly variable and include: muscle pain; arthritis-like pain in one or more joints (but no or little joint damage); a red rash particularly one resembling a butterfly across the nose and cheeks (Lupus rash); fever, persistent fatigue; sensitivity to ultraviolet light; and hair loss.

There may also be inflammation and damage to organs and tissues including the kidneys, lungs, heart, lining of the heart, central nervous system, and blood vessels. Kidney disease is a frequent occurrence in patients with lupus. Lupus causes glomerulonephritis, a condition that affects the kidneys ability to filter toxins, leading to kidney failure. Damage to other organs and tissues can lead to complications including seizures, depression, psychoses or headaches, blood clots leading to strokes, and pulmonary embolisms (blood clot in the lung).

Lupus Auto-Immune Blood Test Panel includes:

Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA Blood Test) Direct - The body's immune system usually attacks and destroys foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria. In disorders that are known as autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks and destroys the body's normal tissues. When a person has an autoimmune disease, the immune system produces antibodies that will attach to the body's own cells as though they were foreign substances, often causing them to be damaged or destroyed. Autoimmune diseases include are Rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

An ANA blood test is used along with your symptoms, physical examination, and other tests to diagnose an autoimmune disease.

Complete Blood Count with Differential and Platelets (CBC) - A CBC gives important information about the numbers and kinds of cells in the blood, especially red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. A CBC helps your health professional check any symptoms, such as fatigue, weakness, or bruising, that you may have. A CBC also helps your health professional diagnose conditions, such as infection, anemia, and several other disorders.

Test includes: WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelets, Neutrophils, Lymphs, Monocytes, Eos, Basos, Neutrophils (Absolute), Lymphs (Absolute), Monocytes(Absolute), Eos (Absolute), Basos (Absolute), Immature Granulocytes, Immature Grans (Abs)

Urinalysis Complete detects abnormalities of urine and urinary tract infection (UTI); diagnoses and manages renal diseases, urinary tract infection, urinary tract neoplasms, systemic diseases, and inflammatory or neoplastic diseases adjacent to the urinary tract.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor - The rheumatoid factor (RF) test is mostly used to help in diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and distinguishing it from other forms of arthritis and other conditions that cause symptoms of joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Symptoms may include swelling, warmth, pain, morning stiffness in the joints, and nodules under the skin. If the disease has progressed, evidence will be on X-rays of swollen joint capsules and loss of bone and cartilage. An RF test may be repeated whenever the first test is negative and symptoms persist. The RF test also may be ordered if a patient has symptoms suggesting Sjgrens syndrome.

Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Westergren - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an easy, inexpensive, nonspecific test that has been used for many years to help diagnose conditions associated with acute and chronic inflammation, including infections, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. ESR is said to be nonspecific because increases do not tell the health provider exactly where the inflammation is or what is causing it, and also because it can be affected by conditions other than inflammation. Because it is nonspecific, ESR is typically used in conjunction with other tests. ESR aids in diagnosing two specific inflammatory diseases, polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritism, a high ESR being one of the main test results used to support the diagnosis. The test is also used to monitor disease activity and response to therapy in both polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritism.

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) High Sensitivity Cardiac Risk -

Measurement of CRP by high sensitivity CRP assays may add to the predictive value of other markers used to assess the risk of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular disease.

A CRP test is a blood test that measures the amount of C-reactive protein in your blood. C-reactive protein measures general levels of inflammation in your body, high levels of CRP are caused by infections and several long-term diseases. However, a CRP test cannot show where the inflammation is located or what is causing it, other tests will be needed to find the cause and location of the inflammation.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel - 14 tests  The CMP-14 is a group of 14 laboratory tests ordered to give information about the current status of your liver, kidneys, and electrolyte and acid/base balance.  The test gives the current status of your blood sugar and blood proteins also. The CMP-14 includes:

Blood sugar level, the most direct test to discover diabetes, may be used not only to identify diabetes, but also to evaluate how one controls the disease.

Kidney Profile
Bun or Urea Nitrogen BUN is another byproduct of protein metabolism eliminated through the kidneys and an indicator of kidney function.  Creatinine, Serum  An indicator of kidney function.  Bun/Creatinine Ratio Calculated by dividing the BUN by the Creatinine.

Liver panel
Protein, Total Together with albumin, it is a measure of the state of nutrition in the body. Albumin Serum one of the major proteins in the blood and a reflection of the general state of nutrition.  Globulin, Total A major group of proteins in the blood comprising the infection fighting antibodies.  Albumin/Globulin Ratio Calculated by dividing the albumin by the globulin. Bilirubin, Total A chemical involved with liver functions. High concentrations may result in jaundice. Alkaline Phosphatase A body protein important in diagnosing proper bone and liver functions. Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST or SGOT)an enzyme found in skeletal and heart muscle, liver and other organs. Abnormalities may represent liver disease. Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT) an enzyme found primarily in the liver. Abnormalities may represent liver disease.

Fluids & Electrolytes
One of the major salts in the body fluid, sodium is important in the body's water balance and the electrical activity of nerves and muscles. Potassium Helps to control the nerves and muscles. Chloride Similar to sodium, it helps to maintain the body's electrolyte balance. Carbon Dioxide, Total Used to help detect, evaluate, and monitor electrolyte imbalances. Calcium- A mineral essential for development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It is important also for the normal function of muscles, nerves and blood clotting).

Prothrombin Time (PT) and Partial Thrombosplastin Time (PTT):

The PT test is usually measured in seconds and compared to the values in healthy individuals. Because the reagents used to perform the PT test vary from laboratory to laboratory and even within the same laboratory over time, the normal values also will fluctuate. In order to standardize results across the U.S. and the world, a World Health Organization (WHO) committee developed and recommended the use of the Internationalized Normalized Ratio (INR) with the PT test for patients who are receiving the blood-thinning medication warfarin (Coumadin). The INR is a calculation that adjusts for changes in the PT reagents and allows for results from different laboratories to then be compared. Both the PT and INR values are reported on this test.

The PTT may also ordered at intervals to monitor unfractionated (standard) heparin anticoagulant therapy. The prothrombin time (PT) test measures how long it takes for a clot to form in a blood sample. In the body, the clotting process involves a series of sequential chemical reactions called the coagulation cascade, in which clotting factors are activated one after another and result in the formation of a clot. Prothrombin is one of the coagulation factors and produced by the liver. The PTT may be ordered, along with other tests such as a PT, when a patient presents with unexplained bruising or bleeding, a thromboembolism, an acute condition such as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) that may cause both bleeding and clotting as factors are used up at a rapid rate, or with a chronic condition such as liver disease.


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