Why does my child need a Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibody test?

The Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibody test (anti liver-kidney microsomal) examines your child’s blood for a specific kind of antibody. Liver kidney microsomal antibody is the name of the antibody. This antibody may indicate that your kid has liver damage due to a kind of hepatitis. Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver.









The Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibody test (anti liver-kidney microsomal) examines your child’s blood for a specific kind of antibody. Liver kidney microsomal antibody is the name of the antibody. This antibody may indicate that your kid has liver damage due to a kind of hepatitis. Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver.

Why does my child need this test?

If your child’s healthcare provider suspects that he or she has autoimmune hepatitis, they may need to undergo this procedure. Alternatively, your kid may need the test to rule out the presence of any other liver or metabolic problems. Autoimmune hepatitis symptoms include the following:

  • Skin and eyes that are yellow (jaundice)
  • Irritation, which may occur all over the body at times.
  • Itching and burning on the skin
  • An inability to eat
  • Nausea, vomiting, or a combination of the above symptoms
  • Inflammation of the joints.
  • Discomfort or pain in the abdomen (belly).
  • In many cases, this results in “spider”-shaped blood veins on the surface of the skin.
  • Dark urine.
  • Stools that are light in color
  • Fatigue

The following are symptoms of advanced autoimmune hepatitis:

  • There is fluid in the abdomen.
  • Confusion in one’s thoughts

This test may also be used to screen for illnesses such as autoimmune liver disease, which your kid may be subjected to.

Signs and symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis

Symptoms may differ from person to person. Some of the most frequent symptoms include the following:

  • Excessive exhaustion
  • In addition, the skin and eyes may become yellow (jaundice)
  • Pain in the lower abdomen (abdomen).
  • Swelling or discomfort in the joints
  • Mild flu-like symptoms
  • Itching
  • Abdomen that is too big owing to a huge liver and spleen
  • Blood vessels in the skin that resemble spider webs

Other signs and symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis include:

  • Urine that is dark in color
  • Stools in a light or grey hue.
  • Appetite loss
  • An accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites)
  • Uncertainty
  • Rectal bleeding or vomiting blood is a complication.

The symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis may be mistaken for those of other medical conditions. Always get medical attention if your child suspects a medical problem.

Does my child need to fast or prepare for the test?

Anti lkm1 is a test for which your child does not need to prepare. It may be done at any time of day or night without the need to fast.

How is autoimmune hepatitis diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider will examine the medical history and do a physical examination of your child. The following are some of the lab blood tests used to detect autoimmune hepatitis:

  • Tests to see how well the liver is working. These tests look for signs of liver inflammation or damage.
  • A complete blood count, often known as a CBC. The quantity and kinds of blood cells in the blood are examined.
  • A panel for coagulation. This test determines how effectively the clotting proteins function.
  • An electrolyte panel is a panel that contains electrolytes. This test determines if you have an electrolyte imbalance.
  • Antibodies against autoimmunity. These are used to determine whether you have autoimmune hepatitis or another liver condition with symptoms similar to autoimmune hepatitis.

Your child may also be subjected to imaging tests such as:

  • CT scan: A CT scan is more detailed than an X-ray. It can display comprehensive pictures of the bones, muscles, fat, and organs in any region of the body. Using X-rays and computer technologies creates horizontal pictures (commonly referred to as slices) of the body.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): This test creates comprehensive images of the organs and structures within your body. It works using a magnetic field, and radio wave energy bursts. A dye may be injected or pumped into your vein. The dye aids in the visualization of the liver and other abdominal organs during the scan.
  • Ultrasound: An image of the organs is created using high-frequency sound waves. It may also be used to monitor blood flow in arteries.
  • Liver biopsy: A needle is used to extract small tissue samples from your liver. The kind of liver illness your child has is determined by examining these samples under a microscope.

How is autoimmune hepatitis treated?

An asteroid called prednisone is used to treat both type 1 and type 2 autoimmune hepatitis. Your child’s doctor may start him on a high dosage and gradually reduce it as the illness progresses. The aim is to discover the smallest dosage that will keep your child’s illness under control.

When autoimmune hepatitis is detected early, treatment is most effective. The aim of therapy is to keep the illness under control and to minimize or eliminate any symptoms.

It may take anywhere from 6 months to a few years for your child’s illness to go into remission once they begin therapy. Your kid may need therapy for the remainder of their life. If your kid has relapsed many times or has severe illness, they may need to continue therapy.

In certain instances, autoimmune hepatitis may be treated without the need for medication. However, for the vast majority of individuals, autoimmune hepatitis is a long-term condition. It may result in liver scarring (cirrhosis). The liver may get so damaged that it ceases to function. This is referred to as liver failure.

A liver transplant may be required if your kid has liver failure. Make sure to ask your doctor about any vaccinations that are recommended. Vaccines against viruses that may cause liver damage are among them.


A liver panel, a collection of tests, may be required for your child. These tests are used to determine how well your child’s liver is functioning. They look for inflammation and damage to the liver. They may also need further autoantibody testing. In addition, your child may need a liver biopsy. This is accomplished by removing a little sample of your child’s liver to be tested in a laboratory.

Here is the link through which you can order an online blood test for screening:


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