What Weakens Your Immune System?

The immune system is the body’s defense system. Without it, the body would be unable to defend itself against bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other pathogens. The immune system is a large network of cells, organs, proteins, and tissues that covers the entire body.

A properly working immune system can tell the difference between healthy tissue and harmful substances. If it recognizes a harmful substance, it will initiate an immune response, which is an intricate attack designed to protect the body from pathogens. It also detects and eliminates dead and defective cells.

The immune system mistakenly identifies good tissue as harmful in autoimmune disorders and allergies, resulting in irritating and often severe symptoms.

10 Things That Weaken Your Immune System:

Your immune system is crucial for keeping you healthy because they protect you from outside “intruders” such as bacteria, viruses, poisons, and others. Here are ten things to avoid if you want to maintain a healthy immune system:

  1. Not Eating The Right Nutrients:

Vitamins A, C, and D, and zinc, are all vital vitamins and minerals for immune system support. Probiotics and prebiotics, which supplement and support the healthy bacteria in your gut, also aid with immunity. A lack of proper nutrition can compromise your immune system.

  1. Eating A Low-Fiber Diet:

Fiber-rich meals can help you avoid many health issues, including a weakened immune system. Fiber nourishes the billions of “good” bacteria in your guts that keep your immune systems in tip-top form.

  1. Smoking:

You probably already know that smoking is bad for you, but it turns out that it can make your body less effective at fighting infections. It increases the chance of developing several immunological and autoimmune illnesses (conditions caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking the body’s healthy cells and tissues).

  1. Stress:

The body responds to stress by releasing a high level of adrenaline and cortisol. These two hormones lower your amounts of phagocytes and lymphocytes, two types of white blood cells. A lack of either can make it harder for the body to resist viral and bacterial antigens.

  1. Not Getting Enough Sleep:

Getting adequate sleep is essential for our bodies to rest, heal, and fight off illness. Sleeping boosts the immune system, allowing for balanced and effective immunological activity. Sleep deprivation can disrupt the immune system. Sleep deprivation might make you unwell in both the short and long term.

  1. Excessive Drinking:

Excessive alcohol use is also harmful to your immune system. There are both healthy and harmful microorganisms in your gut. Drinking frequently can affect your gut microbiota, which contains billions of good bacteria that your immune system needs to prevent illnesses. As a result, excessive alcohol drinking raises the number of harmful bacteria in your bloodstream and weakens your immune system.

  1. Using An Excessive Amount Of Sugar:

When you consume too much sugar, it repels immune cells that are designed to kill dangerous bacteria, allowing diseases to propagate easily. Too much sugar in your diet also raises insulin levels, which can lead to diabetes, reduced fertility, obesity, and even death.

  1. Inadequate Physical Activity:

Inactivity daily can contribute to a weak immunological response. Working out regularly not only increases your energy. It can help improve your immune system. Physical activity increases the number of antibodies and white blood cells in your body, which are both required for detecting and combating infections.

  1. A Lack Of Proper Hygiene:

A wide range of microorganisms, including viruses and bacteria, can be found all around us. If we do not maintain a strong immune system, these can cause many illnesses. Lack of good cleanliness is one of the elements that contribute to an immune system’s weakness. The best approach to keep harmful microorganisms away is to adopt good hygiene habits such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes, and drinking pure water.

  1. Being Overweight: 

Being overweight or obese is associated with several issues, including a poor diet and a lack of regular exercise. Obesity can reduce immunity and possibly interfere with antibody synthesis and white blood cell proliferation.

We offer the following three types of Immunity blood test panels at Walk-In Lab:

  1. Immunity Blood Test Panel:

It includes:

  • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
  • Varicella Zoster Virus Antibodies, IgG
  • MMR Immunity

This blood titer immunity panel can confirm Hepatitis B, MMR, and Varicella immunity. These tests are frequently necessary as confirmation of immunity to common infectious diseases for work or school.

  • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody:

The amount of Hepatitis B surface antibodies (anti-HBs) is evaluated to determine whether vaccination is required or whether protective immunity has been acquired following a vaccination regimen.

  • Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV):

Because the virus might cause birth abnormalities or illness in the newborn (depending on when the infection develops during pregnancy), pre-conception or early pregnancy testing is available to confirm if the woman has antibodies to VZV. If the woman does not, and so is not immune, vaccination can be administered before the woman becomes pregnant.

  • MMR Virus Infections With Measles, Mumps, And Rubella:

These are only found in humans and are found all across the world. All spread via aerosol. Each of the viruses has only one serotype.


No need for any preparation

Test Results:

Results in 2-3 days

  1. Immunity Plus Blood Test Panel:

It includes:

  • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
  • Varicella Zoster Virus Antibodies, IgG
  • MMR Immunity
  • Hepatitis A Total Antibodies

This blood titer immunity panel can confirm Hepatitis A and B, MMR, and Varicella immunity. These tests are frequently necessary to confirm immunity to common infectious diseases for jobs or schools.


No need for any preparation

Test Results:

Results in 2-3 days

  1. TDAP Titer Blood Test Panel:

A TDAP titer test determines immunity to Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis from prior vaccination or illness.

Checking your titer levels is crucial for many reasons, including school, employment, and determining your current immunity status to avoid over-vaccination.


No need for any preparation

Test Results:

Results in 2-3 days

 An Immunity blood test panel can help identify your immunity levels. Walk-In Lab provides you the facility of 3 different types of Immunity blood test panels. Our test results are accurate, and we have the best medical staff to help you throughout the testing phase. So if your doctor has advised you of an Immunity blood test panel, you can consider booking an appointment with Walk-In Lab.  


  1. What Is The Immune System? Retrieved from hopkinsmedicine.org: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/the-immune-system
  2. Things That Suppress Your Immune System. Retrieved from webmd.com: https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/ss/slideshow-how-you-suppress-immune-system
  3. 8 Ways To Keep Your Immune System Healthy. Retrieved from everydayhealth.com: https://www.everydayhealth.com/healthy-living/ways-to-keep-your-immune-system-healthy/
  4. 8 Things That Weaken Your Immune System. Retrieved from yo1.com: https://www.yo1.com/health-guide/8-things-that-weaken-your-immune-system.html
  5. . Immunity Blood Tests. Retrieved from walkinlab.com: https://www.walkinlab.com/products/search/page:1/search:augustsales1?q=augustsales1



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