Top 10 Health Threats for Men

These are the worst of the worst — the 10 most dangerous diseases for men. Every man needs to know what he’s up against. The good news? Many are preventable.

Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest in Men

You’ve heard the terms a million times. But do you really know the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest? Here’s what every guy needs to know.

Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest in Men

High Blood Pressure in Men

Many men have it for years and don’t know it, while high blood pressure silently damages their arteries. Here’s how to make sure you’re not one of them.

High Blood Pressure in Men

High Cholesterol in Men

With the way men like to eat, the risk of high cholesterol begins as early as our 20s and keeps going up. Find out how to stay ahead of it.

High Cholesterol in Men

Strokes in Men

They’re the fourth leading cause of death in men, but most guys can’t name one stroke symptom. Here’s how to recognize and prevent them.

Strokes in Men

Diabetes in Men

Diabetes is on the rise. Don’t be part of the epidemic. Read about about the causes of diabetes and how to prevent it.

Diabetes in Men

Lung Cancer in Men

It’s still the leader in cancer deaths, and many young men continue to smoke. But lung cancer is also one of the most preventable cancers.

Lung Cancer in Men

Colorectal Cancer in Men

The bad news: It’s the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men. The good news: It’s often preventable — and men may benefit from earlier screening than women.

Colorectal Cancer in Men

Prostate Disease

What is this troublesome gland, the prostate? How often do you need the dreaded rectal exam? Here’s a look at prostate health problems: prostatitis, BPH, and cancer.

Prostate Disease

Testicular Disease

It is the most common cause of cancer in young men — and usually curable. Get the lowdown on testicular cancer and other testicular diseases.

Testicular Disease

Depression in Men

Depression in men is serious; suicide is the eighth most common cause of death in men. And because we may exhibit different symptoms than women, it often goes untreated. Here’s what you should know.

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