Product Spotlight: Essential Blood Test Panel

Overall Health Profile

The Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel gives patients an overall assessment of their health, with 55 different blood tests performed.  Many serious health conditions, such as coronary heart disease and diabetes, can remain undetected with no outward signs or symptoms while slowly continuing to create problems and imbalances in the body.  Early detection of a medical problem can make a real difference in the prognosis and course of treatment for that condition.  The essential blood test panel provides clients with information on their risk of major and minor health concerns.

What is Included

The Wellness #2 Essential Blood Test Panel, also known as the Comprehensive Wellness Profile (CWP), is an all-encompassing test that includes multiple tests under each of the following test and panel categories.

Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP-14)

This panel uses 14 different tests to assess liver and kidney functioning and also gauges glucose and electrolyte levels.  The following are the 14 included tests.

  • Albumin – measures the level of a protein that is produced by the liver to help maintain integrity of the blood vessels.  Low albumin levels could indicate poor liver functioning.
  • Globulin – measures proteins that assist with blood circulation.  Abnormal levels may indicate liver or kidney functioning problems.
  • Total Protein – a count of all albumin and globulin proteins combined.  An imbalance may be the result of liver or kidney problems.
  • Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) – produced in many areas of the body. Too much ALT is seen when there is damage to vital organs.
  • Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) – produced in the liver and in the bones.  Low levels of ALP could be due to liver or bone disorders.
  • Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) – High levels of the AST enzyme are released when there is internal damage to the body.
  • Creatinine – filtered out of the blood by the kidneys.  High creatinine, therefore, may mean that the kidneys are not functioning properly.
  • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) –­ another waste product that should be filter out by the kidneys.  If the kidneys are underperforming, blood urea nitrogen will be high.
  • Glucose – primarily used to test for diabetes and pre-diabetes.
  • Sodium – important to keep levels high enough to aid in organ functioning.
  • Potassium – works much in the same way as sodium.  When one is high, the other is usually low.
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – created during the metabolizing of food.  Too much CO2 could mean lung, kidney, or liver problems.
  • Calcium – used extensively throughout the body.  Low levels of calcium can cause problems in almost every part of the body.
  • Chloride – helps to control blood pressure.

You can order a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) online without insurance or a doctor’s prescription.

Thyroid Panel with Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH)

The thyroid panel is used to test for the over-functioning or under-functioning of the thyroid.  An over-functioning thyroid my result in anxiety, elevated heart rate, and weight loss; whereas an under-functioning thyroid may result in depression, extreme fatigue, and weight gain.

Lipid Panel with Total Cholesterol: HDL Ratio

The lipid panel is used to assess one’s risk of heart disease.  The following tests are included in the panel.

  • Cholesterol, LDL – Often referred to as “bad” cholesterol, LDL can build up in the arteries, making them narrow and increasing one risk of a heart attack.
  • Cholesterol, HDL – this type of cholesterol helps to stop the buildup of LDL cholesterol in the arteries.
  • LDL to HDL Ratio – measures all cholesterol in the body and assesses the balance.

Kidney Panel

The kidneys are involved in many different functions of the body.  The kidney panel tests kidney functioning by testing to see if the levels of kidney-related proteins and enzymes are normal, indicating that all the functions performed by the kidneys are being executed properly.

Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Differential & Platelets

This panel includes 12 different tests that assess blood health.  The panel detects blood-related disorders.  Blood travels throughout the entire body, and a blood disorder and can greatly affect the ability of the rest of the body to function as it should.

Liver Panel

The liver panel includes 15 different tests of liver functioning.  The liver serves several different purposes in the body.  The liver is the main filter through which the blood flows: the liver takes out unneeded substances and either expels them as waste or uses them to serve another function.  The liver also produces different needed proteins and enzymes.  Looking at the combination of which liver-related tests which are abnormally high, abnormally low, and those that are within normal range helps to specify exactly where the liver problem is originating.

Mineral and Bone

All parts of the body make use of minerals, but bones are the largest consumer of minerals found in the body.  Mineral deficiencies are difficult to assess, even with blood testing, because when mineral blood levels are too low the bones will release minerals into the blood to protect the whole body–thus weakening the bones.  If mineral deficiencies continue, however, mineral blood levels will start to go down and will be reflected on blood test results.

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