Possible Causes Of Extreme Fatigue

Fatigue can affect you if you are experiencing extreme tiredness throughout the day, where you can’t concentrate on basic tasks. There are many reasons for people to feel extremely tired, along with tests for fatigue that you can perform.

Extreme Fatigue:

Your immune system plays a critical role in your body’s defense against infection and other harmful invaders. It prevents you from getting sick from bacteria and viruses. Several cells, tissues, and organs make up your immune system. All of them work together to protect you from disease. An immune system disorder occurs when the immune system does not work properly. You can:

● An immune system that is weak from birth. This results in a primary immune deficiency.

● Your immune system is weakened by a disease. The condition is known as acquired immune deficiency.

● The immune system is overactive. As a result of an allergic reaction, this may occur.

● You have a weak immune system. The condition is known as autoimmune disease.

The most debilitating symptom of autoimmunity is fatigue for many people. Fatigue caused by an autoim­me­ne disease is different from tiredness caused by long periods of physical activity or insufficient sleep. I feel exhausted all the time, which makes it difficult to function.

Causes of Extreme Fatigue

On some days, you may feel very tired after a long day at work or at home. After relaxing and taking rest, you get recharged from this type of fatigue. Some people, however, feel exhausted even when they wake up after a long night’s sleep or as a result of walking for a few minutes after a long sleep. Excessive fatigue refers to tiredness without apparent cause. This condition is characterized by fatigue, weakness, inattentiveness, and difficulty concentrating and completing tasks.

Possible Causes

A variety of factors can cause excessive tiredness. Low energy or strength levels can be caused by various factors. Here are some causes of extreme fatigue.

1. Autoimmune Diseases

More than 100 conditions are classified as autoimmune fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), to name a few, but at their core, they are caused by the immune system attacking the body.

These diseases are commonly characterized by fatigue, which can sometimes be profound and debilitating. Why? Having high levels of inflammation can make it challenging to accomplish everyday tasks due to fatigue.

2. Other Diseases

If you experience extreme fatigue, it would be beneficial to discuss the issue with your doctor to address the underlying cause. A thorough medical checkup is recommended if you are experiencing fatigue due to a symptom of a specific disease.

● Anemia

● Lung Problems

● Heart ailments

● Diabetes

● Hypothyroidism

● Cancer

● Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Several diseases can induce tiredness, including infectious mononucleosis, kidney disease, hepatitis, the flu, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and HIV.

3. Psychological Problems

Emotionally turbulent individuals usually feel fatigued most of the time. Their overall health may also be affected. Chronic fatigue may occur in people who suffer from depression. Several conditions can cause fatigue or loss of strength.

● Depression

● Grief

● Bulimia

● Anxiety

● Anorexia

● Stress

4. Medication

The effects of chronic illness medications can also cause extreme tiredness in people who take them. There is evidence that prolonged use of some drugs or drug abuse can lead to fatigue and low energy levels. The drugs are as follows:

● Steroids

● Anti-hypertensive drugs

● Sedatives

● Antidepressants

● Anti Anxiety medication

5. Unhealthy Lifestyle

6. Workplace Stress

7. Sleep Problems


Feeling fatigued might make you want to consider having certain blood tests run by your doctor. If you are tired, you may have a health issue.I became very tired a few years ago, and I couldn’t explain why. My doctor asked me to have my thyroid tested since thyroid problems run in my family. My thyroid condition was progressively worsening every day, indicating severe hypothyroidism. The blood tests I requested for fatigue were such a relief. The situation would have worsened without me knowing the cause. Slowly, I began feeling better after receiving the right treatment.


An important thyroid blood test that can be performed to determine the cause of fatigue is the TSH test. A thyroid stimulating hormone, or TSH, is a hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland. Two hormones are crucial for your well-being and are produced by the pituitary gland. These hormones are responsible for signaling the thyroid to make two hormones that will make you feel good. Both of these hormones are free T4 and free T3. The pituitary gland will stimulate the production of TSH if your thyroid gland does not produce enough of these important hormones. You’ll feel fatigued, gain weight, have dry skin, get constipated, develop cold intolerance, lose hair, and have irregular menstrual periods. As a result of my hypothyroidism, I had all these symptoms. It made me feel like I had bricks on my feet. Hypothyroidism also decreases free T4 and free T3 levels, which you can check with your TSH through a basic lab test


The thyroid gland produces thyroxin, or T4, an important hormone. 90% of the thyroid hormones are made up of this hormone. There are two types of T4: bound to proteins and unbound. T4 that is unbound is called free T4, which is the most biologically active form of T4. Hypothyroidism is caused by a lack of free thyroid hormone. This hormone can cause fatigue and sickness if there is not enough of it.


There is also free T3, produced by the thyroid gland, but not as much as free T2. Free T4 is converted into free T3 by the body in large quantities. Due to its absorption by tissues throughout the body, free T3 is the most biologically active thyroid hormone. Free T3 levels below normal are not always indicative of hypothyroidism. I, however, experienced low levels of free T3, and I know what it feels like to have low levels of the hormone. Despite my lack of energy, I managed to get out of bed.


Fatigue can be caused by many diseases, including hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency. A lack of cortisol from the adrenal glands can result in adrenal insufficiency, making you feel very tired. The hormone cortisol metabolizes protein, lipids, and carbohydrates. Furthermore, it regulates the immune system, regulates blood glucose, and maintains blood pressure. In the morning, cortisol levels are highest, with the lowest in the evening and at night. Blood, urine, and saliva can be tested for cortisol levels. There are alternative options if blood tests don’t appeal to you.


Blood glucose is measured by hemoglobin A1C, also known as HA1C. In fact, this test can provide a snapshot of your blood glucose levels. Fatigue is frequently caused by diabetes, which is often diagnosed with this test. Additionally, diabetics may have blurry vision, heal slowly, and experience increased thirst and urination in addition to fatigue. Since it has become a standard test during routine physicals, likely, you have already had yours checked.


Vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue, even though it is usually connected to bone health. The blood contains two types of Vitamin D: 25,25-dihydroxy vitamin D and 1,25-hydroxyvitamin D. 25-hydroxyvitamin D is the one most often measured in blood tests as it is the inactive precursor. Due to its long presence in the blood, it lasts longer. Vitamin D supplements should be taken if your Vitamin D blood test indicates a deficiency. After you correct the deficiency, your energy levels may return to normal.


Iron tests are the most common test doctors perform when patients complain about fatigue. The hallmark symptom of anemia is fatigue, which occurs when there is insufficient iron in the body. A red blood cell is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body, requiring iron to produce it. A diet lacking in iron will cause your body to use iron stored in tissue, leading to anemia. Anemia can be checked with a variety of tests. These components include total iron binding capacity, serum ferritin, and serum iron. Together, these three tests can help determine if anemia is present.

Everyone gets tired from time to time, but if your fatigue becomes excessive, you should see your doctor. You can order simple blood tests to ensure fatigue is not caused by something serious. Taking a few naps during the week may be a good idea if your blood tests are fine. Are you tired a lot lately?


Fatigue can be a frustrating experience. It can’t be measured or tested by your doctor. To others, it may not seem real, but to you, it is very real. Fatigue is not completely understood, although inflammation may contribute to some of it. Inactivity, depression, poor sleep, and pain can also cause fatigue. Getting tired does not indicate weakness. Try not to push yourself through it. Pace yourself according to your body’s signals. As individuals learn how to manage their energy levels, they will come up with their own strategies for completing daily tasks.


7 Blood Tests for Fatigue to Have Your Doctor do if You’re Always Tired …

6 Probable Causes of Extreme Fatigue and How to Deal With It – Health Hearty

11 Causes of Sudden Extreme Fatigue or Exhaustion | livestrong

Disorders of the Immune System | Johns Hopkins Medicine




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