Can I Take Pregnenolone And Low-dose Aspirin Together?

Can I Take Pregnenolone And Low-dose Aspirin Together?

The assortment of treatments and interventions of medicine today has given way to the introduction of adjunct therapy. This method refers to the combination of two treatment options to enhance the effectiveness of the primary medical approach, like in the case of serious illnesses when surgery may be inadequate. In line with this, medication therapy has become popular as an added treatment approach.

To date, more than a few medical headlines show varying results on the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to address specific disorders on top of the conventional treatment. A common issue in focus is hormone deficiency or imbalance. One of the latest medical breakthroughs concerning hormone supplementation is that it controls and manages premenstrual symptoms (PMS) and menopause.

The Role of Pregnenolone

Pregnenolone is considered one of the most vital hormones in the body, with the primary task of maintaining the balance of all the other necessary hormones. As a pro-hormone, it has a critical role in producing steroid hormones, such as DHEA, progesterone, and estrogen. Suppose pregnenolone levels are at an all-time low. This could lead to many health problems, which manifest in various body systems.

Pregnenolone is a crucial hormone found in the body, produced in the adrenal glands at optimal levels. Still, since discovering its uses in keeping balance in the body’s functions, scientists have come up with a way to make it a supplement and medication.

Does it resolve menopausal problems?

When a woman reaches menopausal age, commonly occurring from 45 onwards, her body stops producing certain hormones. Specifically, her ovaries halt the production of progesterone and estrogen. Consequently, this leads to the cessation of the monthly period. It is usually diagnosed as menopause when it has been more or less a year since the last menstrual phase.

Several symptoms have been associated with menopause, such as mood swings, lack of focus, night sweats, and period irregularities. Though some changes may manifest as early as years before menopause strikes, it is important to note them so hormone therapy can be started.

It is a fact that pregnenolone has a considerable influence on the production of other hormones, affecting overall hormone levels in the body. Not surprisingly, studies in recent years have revealed that pregnenolone usage for menopausal women can alleviate some symptoms. It mainly targets the decline of libido and hot flashes.

How important is hormone supplementation?

Restorative medicine, a study focusing on optimizing and balancing the overall body chemistry, recommends taking pregnenolone supplements if other hormone levels are imbalanced. Restorative doctors believe that the body has the natural ability to heal itself from any illnesses. If hormone levels are low or in excess, body functions are affected, so supplements are helpful.

To cite an example, the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the control of fertility and menstruation.  The human body needs to maintain a certain level of progesterone for optimal performance. Pregnenolone supplements can correct this deficiency while correcting the estrogen and progesterone ratio.

Does it work with blood thinners?

Hormone replacement therapy can be a challenging medical approach. Despite its benefits to the human body, it presents a higher risk of forming blood clots that could lead to more severe health complications. For this reason, blood thinners may be advised by the doctor, along with your pregnenolone supplement.

This risk comes with oral intake of the hormone. Since orally administered pregnenolone directly goes into the liver for metabolism, the liver sees it as non-natural. It compensates by producing chemicals to fight the substance. This reaction releases clotting factors in the bloodstream, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing clots.

Aspirin is one of the most popular blood thinners. Primarily because it can be purchased over-the-counter for a low price, people tend to abuse its use. Those on pregnenolone therapy should exercise caution. True, it has been effective in minimizing the occurrence of clots that may cause heart attacks. Yet, as a blood thinner, it may result in a higher risk of bleeding, especially for the elderly population.


With its claimed medical and pharmaceutical effects, pregnenolone has proven itself the ideal non-invasive treatment for a few disorders. As a go-to choice for near-menopausal or post-menopausal women, it works wonders to treat its symptoms. However, one should consider how hormone therapy replacement may increase the risk of clotting. Hence, it can be used with a blood thinner like low-dose aspirin but with extra caution.

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