10 Myths About Arthritis

Make no bones about it: there’s a lot of misinformation out there about your bones! Bone health is so important to overall health, yet a lot of myths and untruths are out there and are taken as fact by far too many people.

So throw yourself a bone and get your facts straight on bone health!

Myths About Arthritis 


Myth #1: Rheumatoid Arthritis only happens to the old. (Time)

Despite popular opinion, conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis are NOT just something that happens to the elderly. Instead, it can develop at any age throughout a person’s life and is most commonly seen in its early stages between the ages of 25 and 60. That’s why putting off concerns about arthritis isn’t wise! The earlier it’s caught, the more treatable arthritis is.

Myth #2: Joint pain almost exclusively means arthritis. (Cleveland Clinic)

Speaking with a rheumatologist can be key in determining the source of your joint pain, as it does not necessarily mean you have arthritis. Rather, other conditions including tendinitis could be behind the nagging discomfort – so don’t just assume it’s arthritis because that’s what some folks believe! Find out for sure!

Myth #3: Osteoporosis only happens to women. (Cleveland Clinic)

While osteoporosis is five times more likely to happen to a woman than to a man, up to 25 percent of men will at some point in their life suffer from conditions such as bone fracture caused by weakened bone mass and/or osteoporosis. That said, women tend to develop it earlier in life (in their 50s), as compared to men (to whom it generally occurs around age 65).

Myth #4: Gin-soaked fruit will cure arthritis. (Healthline)

While soaking raisins in gin may temporarily alleviate some of the pain associated with arthritis, that’s exactly the problem: It only works for a temporary period. In fact, too much alcohol could even have an adverse effect on your symptoms – or lead to even more problems down the line (as everybody knows already).

Myth #5: Changing your diet will ward off arthritis. (Everyday Health)

Maintaining a healthy weight will obviously have medical benefits, such as helping the immune system fight against certain types of arthritis (for example, obesity does have a link with knee and hip arthritis). However, beyond those two types of arthritis there are no proven links between specific dietary changes and successful avoidance of the condition.

Myth #6: There’s a link between weather changes and arthritis pain. (Cleveland Clinic)

While many maintain that their arthritic knee may act up right before a rainstorm, there is to date no scientific data to back up a generalized claim that arthritis symptoms creep up/get worse with inclement weather.


Myth #7: Drinking milk reduces the risk of bone–related issues. (Refinery29)

Though we may be inclined to believe that drinking a glass of milk will greatly assist in fending off bone-related conditions due to its calcium content, it may not be the cure-all we’ve been conditioned to think it is. While calcium helps, other nutrients such as vitamin D are just as important for long-term bone health as calcium.

Myth #8: Popping your knuckles will lead to arthritis. (BIDMC)

Incessantly cracking your knuckles can be annoying to those around you – but it won’t necessarily lead to osteoarthritis later on in life. This is according to studies that focused on individuals with a knack for knuckle-cracking. The studies found that while the cracking can potentially lead to some minor issues down the line, it doesn’t have a proven link with arthritis.


Myth #9: Cut back on physical activity if arthritis symptoms arise. (Cleveland Clinic)

Physical activity can actually help prevent flare-ups of arthritis pain in problem areas, but it’s important to do so carefully. Periods of rest may be necessary when exercising arthritic joints, but overall it can be a valuable tool to fight against joint pain.

Myth #10: Glucosamine is a (proven) effective treatment for arthritis. (Drugs.com)

Dietary supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin are often considered to be an effective tool in managing arthritis pain…but evidence backing up those claims can be conflicting. In fact, studies have indicated in some cases that this sort of treatment method is as effective as a sugar pill.



Remember, if concerns about your bone health arise, there are simple and convenient means of testing available for you from the Walk-In Lab. These tests are low-cost and effective for diagnosing a number of bone health issues.

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